Hide and Seek

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Mikey pauses his video game when his little sister comes toddling over to him. She topples into his arms and they both giggle like maniacs as he stood up and twirled her around.

"What does my Princess Becca want?" Mikey cheekily smiled.

"Pway Hide 'N Seek!" Becky chirped.

"You got it, dudette!" Mikey sets her down and slightly pushes her. "Go hide and I'll come and find you!"

Becky runs off, giggling and Mikey spins around and closes his eyes, counting loudly.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Ready or not! Here I come!"

Mikey starts off for the bedrooms, loudly talking to himself. "Hmm, I wonder where she could be~~~!"

He playfully scratches the top of his head when he makes it to Becky's room. "Hmmm," he heads over to the crib. "Is she under...here?" He peers under, but no one was there. He smirks and heads over to her tiny play-set with a small tunnel.

"Is she under...here?" He peered inside the tunnel...nothing.

Huh, that's weird. Becky would usually start giggling like crazy. Where was she? Mikey was starting to get confused when he couldn't find her in any of the other bedrooms and made his way to the kitchen. He checked the cupboards that were kept unlocked (since some had childproof locks on them. Hehe gotta keep Becky safe!). He looked under the table and every other inch of the kitchen, and came up with nothing.

That's it. There's no other room she could go to. She couldn't have hidden in the lab. Donnie keeps that under lock and key for Becky AND Mikey to stay out of. Could she be in the dojo?

Mikey walked into the dojo to see Raph and Don sparring, while Leo and Master Splinter sat side by side in the very corner of the room, meditating. Donnie pinned Raph and had the opportunity to look over and notice how concerned Mikey looked when he couldn't find something. Raph was wondering why Donnie wasn't fighting anymore and looked over, suddenly curious as well.

"What's up, Mike?" Donnie asked.

Mikey, suddenly looking scared, stared up at his brothers, wide eyed. "I can't find Becky!"

Leo and Splinter's eyes pop open and they exchange glances before standing up and joining the group huddle.

"What do you mean you can't find her?!" Raph roared.

"We were playing Hide And Seek and now she's gone!"

"Oh." Donnie breathed a sigh of relief. "Well that's the point of Hide And Seek, Mikey." He informed.

"After an HOUR of looking for her?!" Mikey yelled dramatically.

Everyone's eyes pop and they all exchange looks and nod. Leo spoke up.

"Alright. My guess is she could be roaming the sewer tunnels."

"Then we shall split up." Splinter ordered. "We must find Rebecca!"

"I'll check the subway tracks while we're at it." Raph volunteered.

"Good idea." Leo said and looked to Donnie. "Don, you and I will search the sewers."

"What about me?" Mikey asked.

Splinter put a hand on his shoulder. "You, Michelangelo, will stay here in case she comes back."

Everyone splits and Mikey plops down on the couch, playing with his thumbs nervously. He had to be waiting for ten minutes when he suddenly heard tiny giggling. He perks up and looked around, but he didn't see anything. His eyes finally land on a pile of blankets bundled close together on the very edge of the couch. The pile of blankets was shaking in rhythm with the little fits of giggles, making Mikey grin widely. He removes the blankets and tackled a tiny toddler into a hug.


Becky squeals with laughter as Mikey began to tickle her over and over.

"Don't scare me like that, Becky!" Mikey smiled and snuggled her close to him. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"I sowwy, Mikey."

Just then, the rest of the family come running back in since they heard Becky's loud laughing.

"Where was she?!" Raph demanded.

"She was here the whole time, dude!" Mikey grinned. "I'm just terrible at finding her! She's good!"

Becky giggles while the rest of her older brothers moan and Splinter only smiles.

"I think Rebecca has had enough attention for one day." The rat mentioned when Becky suddenly yawned. Splinter scoops the baby girl from Mikey's arms and holds her close. "Come along now, child. Time for you to take a nap."

Over his shoulder as he left the room, Becky's eyelids began to droop as she tiredly waved at her brothers. "Thanks for pwaying with me, Mikey...." She yawned again and her father took her away.

Mikey smiled to himself.

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