Father and Daughter

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Master Splinter took this rare moment to meditate for the day. Ever since he found Baby Becs four years ago, he rarely had time to himself anymore. His days would usually consist of training his four, teenaged, turtle sons and taking care of his small, human daughter. He sometimes wished he still had his wife, Tang-Shen around. She'd would've loved their big family. The thought of his wife's memory brought the old rat to frown slightly through his meditation, the stress going to his head as he furrowed his eyebrows to concentrate harder.


Suddenly, he smiles, with all the stress and faces of Tang-Shen going away. "Hello, Rebecca."

He opens his eyes and turns his head to Becky struggling to walk across the dojo floor to him. She finally makes it and collapses onto his lap, giggling madly. Splinter chuckles and lifted the young girl in his arms and cradled her, still sitting in his criss-cross position.

"What are you doing up from your nap?"

"Ni Ni and Waphie were fighting so I couldn't sweep." The baby brunette yawned.

"Well, I'm sure your brothers didn't mean to keep you awake." Her father assured, letting her play with his finger in her very small hands.

He smiled at the fact that his sons were so strong, and act so mean to each other. They were trained as ninjas, and of course act like rough teenagers. But when it came to their sister, they were overprotective, sweet, kind (yes even Raphael), and would do anything for her. If she had asked them to rob a candy store for her, they probably would, but their father would forbid it because the boys spoil her too much.

Becky rubbed her eyes, "Daddy? When can I be a ninja?"

Splinter sighed. Rebecca always asked him that, at least twice a day, and the answer was still the same,

"Soon, my flower. Soon."

That's enough of an answer for her as she slowly drifts off into her dreams of kicking ninja butt one day.

Splinter lets her sleep like that, still in his arms, and continues to meditate. But not for long, as he hears whispers coming from outside the door to the dojo. He smiles,

"You may come in, my sons."

Slowly, the four turtles walk in and sit in a circle around their sensei, bowing their heads in greeting. Splinter opens his eyes again, a smile still on his face as he looks back down at Becky, fast asleep.

"She says that you, Donatello and Raphael, were yelling and wouldn't let her sleep."

"We didn't mean to, father." Raph felt guilty, keeping his head bowed.

"It was an accident, sensei." Donnie felt the same.

The rat nods and still cradles his daughter. "This reminds once when the four of you were small and young."

The turtles scoot closer and gather around, sensing a story time from their master.

"I remember when I was alone with four baby turtles to take care of. I couldn't possibly take care of one child let alone four, but I didn't give up. The four of you were so alike, and yet, so different. You always found a way to fight each other. And then I found Rebecca one day...A small baby, stuck in a car seat, crying on the sewer floor. She had been abandon, lost to the world. I could never imagine what kind of person would abandon a child like that."

Raph and Leo shared the same hatred look as the red banded turtle clenched his fists. Both him and his older brother felt protective over Becky and wanted to scream and hurt at whoever abandoned her in the sewers like she was trash. She's such a nice young girl with a sweet face! How could anyone abandon someone so innocent and pure!

Splinter chuckles at a memory, and continues, "I remember when I first brought Rebecca home. All four of you were so curious, never seeing another human before, so you had wondered if she was food, Michelangelo."

"I swear I AM NOT a cannibal!" Mikey wanted to point out, "She was pink and small at the time so I didn't know what to think!"

The other three brothers snicker slightly at the memory. Master Splinter chuckles and then looks to Raph, his sweet smiling returning,

"Raphael never held Rebecca when she was an infant, afraid he would drop her or maybe catch a disease from her."

Raph suddenly huffed and looked away when Donnie playfully elbowed him, his cheeks turning into a pink color. His father continued,

"It wasn't until I threatened to ground him did he finally hold her. It was the first time Rebecca never cried when someone held her, too, and Raphael took pride in that."

"What can I say?" Raph tried to grin, kind of hating the attention, "The girls love me!"

His brothers groan while his father rolled his eyes, stopping suddenly when the toddler stirred in his arms. He smiles,

"I will put Rebecca to bed. I want the four of you to spar with each other until I come back."

"Hai, Sensei." They said in unison, quiet enough to not wake Becky. They smile at the sleeping toddler before they all stood up with their rat master and bow their heads to him. He responds with a bow and they go into fighting stance against each other as Splinter walks out.

Splinter walks into Becky's room and tucks her in, standing over her for a few minutes, that proud fatherly smile on his face as he caressed her cheek softly.

"You would have adored Rebecca, my sweet Tang-Shen." He spoke quietly into the night like someone was there with him, "And Miwa would have loved to have a sister."

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