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Jellal P.O.V.

The train ride to Phoenix was three hours long. Once we got to the town we checked in at a hotel. Once we got to the room we called Romeo. I was next to Erza who was on the phone so I could listen in. We couldn't put it on speaker in case someone over heard.
"Flame, this is Titania speaking." Erza said.
"Do you have any questions?" Romeo asked.
"Yes. Do you know where the house is located at?" I asked.
"It's right in the middle of Phoenix. The building is the best on the street on Peter rd." Romeo said. "Is that all?" Romeo asked.
"For now thank you Flame." Erza answered.
"Anytime Titania." He hung up.
"Now what do we do?" I asked.
"Now we sleep and figure out a plan tomorrow." She said going underneath the blankets and falling asleep.
Time skip three days later because I am lazy
"Here put this on." Erza said tossing me a black shirt, pants, jacket, shoes and mask. "The jacket is optional."
"Right." I said. I went to the bathroom and changed into the clothes she gave me. I decided not to wear the jacket since it was pretty hot outside. I came out and on my bed was a gun holster, (is that what you call the thing that holds guns. Sorry I'm clueless) a gun and several knives.
"I recommend hiding your weapons. The civilians will freak out if the see the weapons." Erza warned heading to the bathroom to change herself.
In order to hide the weapons I had to wear the jacket. I put the knives in my back pocket and gun on my thigh. I wrapped my jacket around my waist to hide all the weapons.
Erza decided that we don't need a plan and that I needed training. For two days I have been training and I've gotten good.
   Erza walked out and she was wearing a black dress with a slit, heels, jacket and a bow in her hair. She looked gorgeous.
   "Are you ready?" She asked wrapping the holster around her thigh.
   "Almost." I walked over and gave her a kiss. "Now I am."
   "What was that for?" She asked.
   "In case something goes wrong." I answered.
   "Don't worry. Haruto is a wealthy man with a lot of body guards. That's all he is. He isn't the leader of any gang. The reason why we are bringing him in is because he owns one of the companies that sells weapons to the gang Oracian Seis (I really hope I spelled that right)
   "I know, so let's get this over with." I said.
   "Right." She said. We were on the third floor so we took the elevator. When we got there there was someone else in there.
   "Hello." She said. "Where are you guys going in all black?"
   "To my great grandmothers funeral." I said.
   "How old was she?"
   "I'm sorry for your loss." She said. "Are you two together?"
   "Yes she's my fiancé." I lied.
   "Oohh. When's your wedding?" She smiled.
   "We haven't picked out a date." Erza said.
   "Well I'm going the other way so I'll see you later then."
   "Yes goodbye." Once she was out of ear shot we started talking.
   "Grandma? Fiancé?" Erza raised her eyebrows.
   "Well what was I supposed to say? Hi we're off to kill a guy named Haruto. We're also part of this secret organization called Fairy Tail. Wanna join?" I said.
   "No. You did good." She laughed kissing my cheek.
   Once we turned on Peter rd we put on our masks. I immediately recognized the house because it was the only house with two floors and was by far the nicest.
"Be prepared." Erza took a deep breath and walked in.
"Who are you and wh-" The bodyguard didn't have time to finish before Erza shot him. Right after he was shot people from all different directions started shooting at us. Erza ran to the only safe place there was so I followed her.
   "Duck." Erza shouted at me. I ducked and she shot at a guard that was behind me. "Stay here and continue." Erza ran to the nearest guard and fought him. He didn't have a gun. I probably missed him and shot the gun out of his hand.
Erza P.O.V.

I was a little worried about Jellal but I knew he could handle himself. I also had to focus on the guy in front of me who had one hand around my throat. I kicked his stomach and knew I drew blood because the heel was as sharp as a knife. I put him in an arm lock.
   "Tell me where Haruto is or I break your arm." I threatened pressing my hand on his elbow just hard enough to make it hurt a lot but not broken. He stayed silent so I broke it. Then I tried to go for the other one but he punched me in the gut causing me to gag. As I was bent down he kneed me in my face breaking my nose and probably giving me a black eye. I reached for a knife and stabbed his thigh. I took it out and held it against his throat pushing him against a wall. "Now let's try this again shall we. Where is Haruto?"
"Second floor third door on the right is his office turn left and find the book Daybreak tilt it and you will find him he will be with three guards." He gasped.
"Thank you." I knocked him out. I followed his instructions and ran up the stairs going in the third door and there was a book shelf. I searched it and found the book and tilted it. The shelf split open just as the guy said there were three guards all protecting Haruto. I shot them before they even knew what was coming.
"What do you want with me?" He asked halfway screaming.
"Answers." I said jabbing his arm with a syringe. The liquid was a light brown and its supposed to knock someone out for 12 hours. As soon as I hit the plunger he was out cold. I dragged him down the stairs careful not to trip.
"Unless you want your boss to die I recommend stop shooting." I threatened pressing a gun to his head. They stopped shooting and stared. "C'mon newbie lets go."
"Coming Titania." We left and made our way to the hotel.
"In case he wakes up we still call each other by our code names." I said.
"What's mine?" He asked.
"Hmm. I think Mystogan suits you well." I answered ripping a piece of my dress of and tying it around his eyes so in case he wakes up he doesn't see our faces.
"Won't this look suspicious." Jellal pointed out.
"If anyone asks we can say he's passed out drunk." I said.
"What did you do to him?" Jellal asked.
"Flame created a serum that can knock someone out for 12 hours." I explained. When we reached the hotel the girl from before was walking to the elevator.
   "Hold the door please." I said.
   "What happened to you guys?" She asked.
   "We got mugged." I lied. "He didn't show up until the end."
   "Yes I was getting my brother Seagrain. He passed out drunk at the funeral." Jellal said.
   "Oh. I never got your names."
   "I'm Mystogan and my fiancé is Titania."
   "And yours?"
   "Well this is our floor. Goodbye Anco."
   "Goodbye guys."
   "What are we going to do about your face?" Jellal asked.
   "Our schools nurse Ms. Porlyuscia is also the medic for Fairy Tail." I explained.
   "I should have known." Jellal sighed. "Does everyone at Magnolia high work here?"
   "No." I answered. I heard a groan from Haruto.
   "We should probably take him to Fairy Tail." Jellal pointed out.
   "Yes." I said taking out another syringe and injecting Haruto with another dose.
~time skip~
   "Ms. Porlyusciaa..." What I saw was horrifying. There was blood everywhere. Ms. Porlyuscia was covered in blood that was definitely not hers and was everywhere trying to stop the bleeding.
"Out! No visitors! Let me do my job in peace!" She yelled at us. I couldn't believe this was happening. I knew the risks. We all did but I still couldn't believe this was happening.
Ooooohhhhh I wonder who it is. You guys have probably already figured it out but it's still fun for me. It's going to take me longer to write these chapters because school has unfortunately started, and my math teacher likes to hand out a million homework problems so joy.
So for the question of the chapter who do you think is dying?
Well I'm done with this chapter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye bye.
Word count: 1473

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