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Just a heads up, but this chapter is really long. Way longer than the rest. Hope you enjoy!
Levy P.O.V.

The job was in Margaret town meaning it was a two day journey. Gajeel has motion sickness so it was torture for him. The entire way there he was either puking out of the window and complaining or he was laying on my lap asleep. I was either reading a book or playing with his hair. I would braid it then undo it and put in a bun and so on. His hair was surprisingly soft.
   His cat was also with us. I found it odd and kinda funny that a big scary looking guy had a fondness for cats. Wherever Gajeel went Pantherlily, his cat, would follow. Pantherlily was really sweet if you don't threaten him or Gajeel. When Natsu and Gajeel fight the cat starts scratching and biting at Natsu. It's actually pretty fun.
Once we got to Margaret town we immediately found a hotel and we got a room on on the first floor. It only had one bed which made things a bit awkward.
   "Levy, how is your aim?" Gajeel asked.
   "It's fine if you call never hitting the target fine." I shrugged.
   "We'll need to work on that." He sighed.
   "Why its not like we're fighting. Right?" I asked unsure.
   "Since this is mainly a spying mission and not a fighting one we probably won't have to fight but just in case you should probably be able to fire a gun." Gajeel explained.
   "Ok then." I said.
   We went to the shooting range which was a 10 minute walk. The target was simple the outer section was big and green. The middle section was about half the size of the green section and was yellow. The third and last section was very small and red.
   "Don't fire but hold the gun and get into the stance you would usually take." Gajeel ordered. I did what he said and spread my legs and locked my arms holding the gun tight. "Your stance is wrong. Your legs are out way too much and you need to loosen up your arms a little bit."
   "Ok." I said and did what I was told.
   "Now close one eye and line the middle one up in between those two and when your ready fire." He instructed. I breathed in and out and fired. I actually hit the target. Maybe not the middle but I did hit in between the green and yellow. "Gihee. Much better."
   We practiced for about an hour and I had improved by a lot. When we reached our room we showered and went to bed.
~Next morning~
   I woke up with my head in Gajeels chest and his arms around me. He smelt really good. I couldn't name the scent but I liked it. Once I was really aware of my surroundings and could think properly I started to blush really badly. Even though we were already dating we had never slept in the same bed so this was definitely knew.
   "Umm... Gajeel, maybe we should... get up." I said. He didn't wake up, instead he held me tighter. I kinda liked it so I just stayed like that. I didn't remember falling back asleep but I did remember waking up with Gajeel out of the bed and hearing water running.
   I sat up and yawned only to lay back down again. I was definitely not a morning person. "Levy you need to get up now. We have to be at Lamia Scales by 3:00 pm. It's 2:30 now."
   "What! I slept that long!" I yelled shooting up so fast I saw stars.
   "Yup." He smirked.
   I changed into an all black outfit (imagine her usual outfit but in all black). How cliche.
~time skip to 3:00~
   "Follow  my lead." Gajeel said right before we entered Lamia Scales.
   "Who are you?" A guy with white hair and blue eyes (Lyon) said.
   "We're from the gang Phantom Lord. I need to talk to Ooba Babasaama." Gajeel said. Phantom Lord is a gang that Lamia Scales helps.
   "Your girl doesn't look like she's strong enough to be in a guild." A guy with these huge eyebrows (Yuka) said.
   "She's stronger than she looks and don't you ever talk about my girl like that." Gajeel said glaring at that guy causing me to lightly blush.
   "Awww such love." A girl with pink hair (Sherry) said.
   "Just show us to Ooba." I demanded.
   "Very well." The guy with white hair said. He took us to a room and we saw an old lady who according to the picture Romeo sent us was Ooba.
   "What do you want? Usually Jose comes himself." Ooba said.
   "Jose is busy at the moment." Gajeel lied.
   "Why are you wearing masks?" She asked.
   "No offense but we don't trust you enough not to. How do we know you won't turn us in?" I didn't know I was such a good liar. I was kinda proud of myself.
   "Fine. Lyon leave." She ordered. I had completely forgot he was there. "I don't completely believe you. This out of the ordinary for Jose." She said when Lyon left.
   "Maybe a drink or two will help." Gajeel offered.
   "Well Jose does know I have a fondness for alcohol so why not." She said staring at the drink. Gajeel had pulled out and the cups. I wondered what he was up to and where he pulled those out from. He didn't have any pockets or anything to hold them with. It's as though it just popped into existence.
   After a few drinks Gajeel dropped the cup and it only spilled and didn't break. When he bent down I saw I'm pour this this brown liquid in it. The liquid was the same color as the drink and it had no odor. Ooba downed the entire drink and when she set it down a few seconds later she passed out.
   "Open the window." Gajeel ordered.
   "What did you do to her?" I asked as I opened the window.
   "It's a serum that Fairy (Evergreen. Yeah I completely forgot about Evergreen and Elfman) created. She basically replicated the serum Flame created only his serum has to go into the vein while Fairy's serum you can drink it. They both knock someone out for 12 hours though." He explained.
   "What are you guys doing with Ooba?" A guy that was dressed as a dog (Toby) asked while Gajeel was halfway out the window. Behind the guy was all the people from before.
   "Sorry Iron this might hurt." I said as I pushed him out the window. It was on the second floor so I knew it wasn't going to kill him it would just hurt him a bit.
   The guns started to fire and I ran to the desk and hid in front of the desk. All I heard was bullets hitting the desk. I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut.
   "C'mon Levy think. Your smart think. There has to be some way out of this." I whispered. I opened my eyes and saw a chair. A chair that was strong and had wheels. Because I'm small I would be able to fit in it. It won't last long against the bullets but it should last long enough for me to escape.
   I hopped in the chair and luckily none of the bullets hit me. I went numb with adrenaline. Right before I jumped out the window I felt something hit my back.
   "Love." I heard the girl sigh.
   "I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna diiiiiiieeeee." On the last sentence I went really high pitched.
Gajeel P.O.V.

   I couldn't believe she did that. She's knew there's no way she can last long. Right before I was gonna go into the building I heard someone yelling "I'm gonna die." I looked up and saw Levy falling from the window. I caught her bridal style.
   "How did you do that." I asked. I was shocked that she could get away perfectly fine.
   "I got away only because I'm so small." She laughed.
   "Why did you push me out. You should have been the first one out. Not me. Your the newbie!" I yelled.
   "Sorry. It's just that you were already halfway out." She explained.
   I started to say something but I felt something wet and sticky. I looked at my hand and saw red. She was bleeding. A lot. "F***!" I cursed my anger turning into concern.
   "What is it?" Levy asked.
   I didn't answer instead I grabbed Ooba and ran so fast I doubt anyone saw me.
   "Answer me!" She yelled.
   "Don't move if you lose anymore blood it could be bad. I don't know what they hit but whatever they hit it's not good." I explained.
   "How fun." She yawned. "I'm kinda tired."
   "Don't you dare fall asleep on me." I warned.
   "Just a little nap." And she was out. I managed to stop the bleeding right before she fell asleep. The more I looked at her the more I realized she wasn't sleeping. She was really pale and I couldn't hear her breath. I tried to find her pulse but the only pulse I found was my own.
   "No no no no no no. Don't leave me." I begged as I did chest compressions and mouth to mouth. "C'mon!" I had spent only a few minutes though it felt like eternity before she gasped.
   "Gajeel?" She asked her voice weak.
   "Yeah it's me." I said silently thanking God.
   "What happened? Why are you crying?" She asked.
   "I'm not crying I just had dust in my eye." I said wiping away whatever tears there were.
   "Ok... but what happened?" Levy asked again.
"You died." I mumbled.
"What did you say? Sorry I couldn't hear you." She said.
"You died!" I said loudly.
"Oh, OK." She paused for a moment. "Thank you for saving me Gajeel."
"Whatever just don't do that again." I said.
"Deal." She smiled.
~time skip 3 days later~
Levy P.O.V.

On the train ride between stops Fajeel told me my code name. He had given me the amazing name Shrimp. What a nice romantic name right? Best boyfriend ever. Please note the sarcasm.
   Once we reached Magnolia most of the day was already gone, and we were both exhausted. We still had to tell Master Makarove (is that how you spell it?) that we were finished with the job.
   When I walked in I saw Erza crying into Jellals chest. I wondered who died because that is the only time Erza cries.
   "Erza what's wrong?" I asked.
   Jellal pointed to the room right by us. I went in the door Jellal pointed to Gajeel followed me. I opened the door and saw Ms. Porlyuscia trying to save a girls life. The girl was dead and it looked like there was no return for her.
   "No!" I screamed once I recognized who it was.
   "Go away! Can't you see I'm trying to save this young girls life! Out now!" Ms. Porlyuscia screeched. Before I could protest Gajeel dragged me out.
   "Listen Levy she knew what the risks were once she took the job. We all did. Besides that old hag knows what she is doing." Gajeel reassured me. I stayed quiet knowing that if I tried to talk I would end up in tears.
   "Gajeel, can I stay the night with you?" I asked right before we parted ways for him to go to his house and me going to mine.
   "Sure." He shrugged.
   "Thank you Gajeel." I thanked.
That was a lot! I probably should have split it in two parts once I realized how long it was getting, but I noticed a bit too late so it would just mean more work. I don't like work which is why I'm not doing my homework right now even though I really should.
Question of the chapter. How old are you? I'm 13. I turned 13 three months ago. That's it.
Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great day.
Word count: 2037

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