Elizabeth and Cana

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Elizabeth P.O.V.

You know those interrogation rooms you see on TV where there's a mirror in it, but on the other side of the mirror you could see through it. That's the kind of room the guy from Raven Tail was in. I was on the other side of the mirror watching him. I decided to let Cana take this one. I figured it would be easier considering what he and his gang did to Lucy.
"What do you want from me?" The guy, Kurohebi I believe, asked.
   "I have two simple questions needing answered and you can answer them." Cana answered.
   "Well whatever it is I'm not answering it so you might as well kill me now." Kurohebi sneered.
   "I'll ask you anyway so you can tell me once you've had enough. Who is the one sponsoring your gang and what are the other gangs your sponsor is sponsoring?" Cana said.
    "What makes you think I'll tell you anything? Don't you think I've been trained to endure torture?" Kurohebi asked.
   "Not mine." She paused. "It looks like you've drank all of the drink in front of you. Do you know what was in it?" It was like Cana had an entirely different personality. I was quite amused.
   The guy on the other hand was paler than a sheet of paper. I could've sworn he aged ten years in ten seconds.
   "It increases your pain by over 200. Don't worry you won't die... you'll only wish it. I could pinch you and it would feel as though you were shot. A scratch would feel like someone stabbed you with a knife. I would go on but I think you get the point." Cana smirked.
   "That's my girl." I whispered.
   "Try what you want, but I'm not telling." Kurohebi sat back in his chair like there was no care in the world. Usually when someone talks like this they talk before we really get started.
   "We'll see about that." Cana said. She pinched him hard which caused him to scream. She quickly shoved a blue circular pill in his mouth and shoved his mouth shut so he couldn't spit it out.
   The pill was what Evergreen created. It heals people at crazy speeds meaning Cana can go all out without killing him. It's probably the most useful thing Evergreen ever made. It helps crack the people who are tough to crack. It also helps the assassins. What would usually kill someone or seriously injure them they can be healed like that. It's also saved so many lives not all of them, but a lot. If only Lucy had one on her. I don't know why she didn't take one with her. It could have helped.
"Aaaaaaaagh!" Kurohebi screamed. Cana went straight for the throat. Thanks to the pill he survived it. His blood was everywhere. The only place it wasn't was on Cana. I don't know how she dodged it all.
   "If I were you I would start talking. Or do you want to lose your penus?" Cana threatened.
"Ok fine!" He gave in. "The other gangs are Phantom lord, Grimoire heart, Tartarus, Avatar, and Dark reunion (anyone get the reference). The guy who is sponsoring us all is Jude Heartfilia." Kurohebi answered.
"Why would he sponsor all of you? What's in it for him?" Cana asked.
"He's looking for his daughter who ran away. Her name is Lucy. He needs her for something. Now will you please let me go." He begged.
"I never said I would let you go." Cana sighed. She walked out of the room and into mine. "Would you like to do the honors?"
"I would love to." I walked in the room he was in and grabbed the nearest knife.
"No no no no!" He screamed.
"Since it didn't take too long for you to tell us I would normally end your life quickly. However what you and your gang did to my friend you will die painfully and you will be miserable." I said.
(This part will be gruesome so if you don't like that stuff just skip this part and I'll tell you when it's over)
"Please don't." He was now crying.
I decided to make it quick, but painful. I wanted him to suffer, but I also wanted him to suffer. I cut his eyes out so he wouldn't know when I'm killing him, and shoved them down his throat. I then walked towards the door opened it and slammed it shut to give him hope that maybe he wouldn't die today. Maybe he would survive. Maybe I decided to spare his pathetic life. Cana looked at me weirdly and I motioned for her to be quite. I crept back to him careful so that he couldn't hear me. I waited for most of his pain if not all to go away. Again thanks to the pill I was able to do this. Once the pain was gone I cut off his head slow enough for him to feel the pain, but fast enough so he didn't heal completely and could still die.
(Gruesome part is over. It wasn't all that gruesome to be honest. I could have done more but I figured I should get on with the story before I forget it)
   "Your a little scary Elizabeth." Cana gulped.
   "Take Kurohebi to Gray and Juvia." I ordered.
   "Should we tell Lucy about this?" She asked.
   "Don't say anything to anyone yet. I have to talk to master about this and see what he wants us to do." I answered.
   "Alright." Cana looked down at the body in front of her with disgust. "Why did you make him suffer so much?"
   "Do you know why Lucy took that job? Think about it. She could have picked an easier and safer mission to go on, but she picked a really dangerous job and on Natsu's first job to. Why is that? Do you know?" I asked.
   Cana shook her head.
   "It's because Raven Tail murdered her mentor. The person who taught her how to do her job. Her name was Michelle and she was my best friend. Her code name was Dolly. Raven Tail figured out who she was and murdered her. Lucy thought of her as a sister so when she saw the job up there she took it immediately." I explained.
   "Oh." Cana said.
   "I have to go now." I walked out and made my way to master Makaroves office.
   "You should tell her. She should know after all it is her father. Then tell Romeo and Wendy this so they can track them down." Master Makarove ordered once I told him about Lucy's father.
   "Yes sir." I nodded and left to find Romeo and Wendy. (Please read author note it is important)
I'm thinking about making another book that goes with this one, a series. I have ideas for it, but I don't know if I should. This was originally just going to be one book so I might stick with it but I might be able to make it a series. I'm not too sure so what do you guys want? I know it's still early in the book but it was on my mind so I thought I would ask. Please tell me what you guys want. Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day. Bye bye.
Word count: 1240

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