New Years Special

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Lucy is fine for this chapter. The big thing that happens will come into the real story.
No one P.O.V.

"Hey Mira and Laxus." Lucy greeted.
"Why are you late?" Natsu asked.
"We were on a date and we just lost track of time." Mira shrugged.
"Well we're about to bring out the snacks so make yourselves at home." Lucy smiled.
"What is that!" Elizabeth shrieked pointing at Mira's hand.
"A ring." Mira grinned. She held up her left hand showing a silver band with a medium sized diamond.
"Congratulations Mira~San and Laxus~San!" Wendy congratulated.
   "Yeah congrats." Romeo smiled.
   "That's a real man!" Elfman yelled.
   "If I hear you yell Real man in the next five minutes I will turn you into stone. Also congratulations." Evergreen warned.
   "I don't think I want to know how she's going to do that." Elizabeth said.
   "So you finally did it." Gray smirked suddenly naked.
"Gray darling your clothes." Juvia reminded.
"I'm all fired up now!" Natsu yelled.
"Are you seriously crying?" Cana asked finishing her barrel.
"Real men cry when their sisters get engaged." Elfman stated.
"Ugh!" Evergreen smacked him with her fan.
"Thanks guys." Mira grinned.
"10 9 8 7..."
"The ball is about to drop guys." Levy said.
"3 2 1."
Mira and Laxus kissed. Gray and Juvia. Lucy and Natsu. Romeo and Wendy. Gajeel and Levy. Erza and Jellal. Cana and beer. Elizabeth and no one 😥. They all kissed.
   "Happy New Years!" Everyone shouted.
   "Lucy when is the food gonna be ready?" Natsu asked
"In a few minutes." Lucy answered.
"What are you cooking?" Wendy asked.
"Cupcakes and cookies." Lucy answered.
"Do you want some help?" Mira offered.
"No it's OK." Lucy answered.
Natsu had taken this opportunity to sneak into the kitchen.
"Natsu out! They aren't ready yet!" Lucy yelled.
   "I just want some food!" Natsu whined.
   "I don't care! Out!" Lucy continued to shout.
   "Wait your turn idiot." Gray said.
   "No stripping in my kitchen!"
   "Wait I can explain! I stripped before I got here."
   "No you gotta do it like this." Gajeel said.
   "I heard that." Lucy had several tick marks appear.
   "Idiots." Laxus yawned.
   "That's it! All boys out! You guys are going into the back room until we call for you." Lucy huffed.
"What did I do?" Romeo asked before heading to the back.
"Salamander you idiot." Gajeel said.
"You did it to Iron freak." Natsu shot back.
"Are you two fighting?" Erza asked.
"No ma'am!" The boys shivered.
"I really wanted those cookies." Jellal sighed.
"Gray my love!" Juvia sobbed.
"Drink this. It will ease the pain." Cana said handing her a glass of wine.
"It's been forever!" Natsu complained.
"Well it's your fault!" Laxus grumbled.
"A real man wouldn't do that." Elfman shook his head.
"I'm going out." Natsu said.
"Are you crazy?" Gray asked.
"Oh no. I remember this voice." Natsu gulped.
"Make me purrr." Lucy purred at Natsu.
"They drank all the booze!" Gray yelled.
"Why doesn't Gray~Sama love Juvia." Juvia sobbed.
"What are you talking about?" Gray asked.
"Gray~Sama left Juvia all alone."
"I had to."
"Gray~Sama doesn't love Juvia."
"Come on Mira I'm taking you home." Laxus said.
"Huh? But I wanna stay! See I can walk." Mirajane tried to show she could but ended up falling down.
"Your not making any sense." Laxus sighed.
"But I don't wanna." Mira complained.
"Come on Wendy let's lie down."
"Whatever you say Romeo." Wendy slurred. Following Romeo into a back room with a bed.
"Lay down." Romeo ordered.
"Wait. Will you lay down with me. I don't wanna be alone?" Wendy said.
"Yeah OK." Romeo agreed.
"Gajeel." Levy called.
"Huh?" Levy focused on his eyebrows.
"What." He grumbled.
   "Hahahaha." Levy laughed. "Where are your eyebrows? You look so funny. Hahahaha."
   "Where were you?" Erza asked.
   "In the back room." Jellal answered.
   "Why were you gone? It's not nice to keep girls waiting." Erza glared.
   "I was forced to go." Jellal said.
   "You can make it up by getting me some cake. Now!" Erza yelled.
   "Yes ma'am." Jellal started to go.
   "Where are you going? Stop leaving." She said.
   "Where are my cakes?"
   "Waaaaa! Everyone has someone! Lucy has Natsu. Gray has Juvia. Laxus has Mirajane. Wendy has Romeo. Levy has Gajeel. Jellal has Erza. Elfman has Evergreen. Wait a second where are they?" Elizabeth asked.
   "They went home." Cana answered. "Together."
   "Waaaaa! I'm forever alone!" Elizabeth continued to sob. "I need another drink."
   "No you don't." Laxus said stopping Elizabeth.
   "Yes I do." Elizabeth stated trying to walk around him, but ended up just falling on him the second she took a step.
   "Come on let's go home." Laxus ordered.
   "No! I wanna stay!" Elizabeth pouted.
   "No I wanna..." Elizabeth passed out drunk.
   "Well that makes things easier." Laxus sighed swinging her over the opposite shoulder that was carrying a passed out Mirajane.
Eventually all the boys attempted to give the girls enough water to sober them up, but soon realized they couldn't be sobered up by water. They eventually just gave up and took them home.
The end (of this chapter)
I'm sorry for not updating frequently. I've been really busy between the holidays and birthdays. It's been pretty crazy because my sister is gonna move out soon and my dad is going to college and has to stay in a dorm there so we are trying to spend a lot of family time. I may have already asked this. I can't remember, but which ship is your favorite from Fairy Tail. Mine is Gale. I love it so much, probably way too much.
Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Have a wonderful day. Good bye.
Word count: 966

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