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1. Thing you can not leave the house without? My purse because it also has my phone and earbuds. I also can't leave without my iPad because that's where Wattpad is at.
2. Favorite brand of makeup? I don't wear makeup, and when I do it's because my family makes me.
3. Favorite flowers? I love Tulips and poppies.
4. Favorite clothing store? Walmart because I can get candy sometimes and other stuff I love if my parents feel up to it.
5. Favorite perfume? I don't remember the name of it, but it's sparkly and smells awesome.
6. Heels or flats? Heels cause I'm short as crap.
7. Do you make good grades? If I try. I mostly have Bs but a few A's.
8. Favorite colors? A light blue and scarlet.
9. Do you drink energy drinks? Not often but when I do its only Gatorade.
10. Do you drink juice? Apple juice and if it's the good kind orange juice.
11. Do you like swimming? Of course! Swimming is awesome!
12. Do you eat fries with a fork? I didn't know anybody did that so that's a no.
13. What's your favorite moisturizer? I have this apple candy stuff that sounds like that candy that pops in mouth but it's in your hand and it leaves sparkles.
14. Do you want to get married later in life? Yes.
15. Do you get mad easily? Yes.
16. Are you into ghost hunting? I don't even know what that is.
17. Any phobias? Not too bad though occasionally I will get claustrophobic.
18. Do you bite your nails? No.
19. Have you ever had a near death experience? A few days ago my 230 pound uncle jokingly got on top of me along with my 105 pound sister and 50 pound cousin. I couldn't breathe. Not the kind where it's just tough to breath but I literally couldn't breath so they didn't know I was suffocating. Found out it takes oxygen to cry.
20. Do you drink coffee? Nope. I hate it unless it's made just right.
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