Crayator X BazzaGazza

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A/N - I love leaving assessments till the night before it's due and still not doing it because procrastination. While writing this at 2:37Am I proceed to chew on paper towel and drink warm Powerade, blasting the finest music into my ears, as displayed above. BTW HAVE YOU NOTICED BASICALLY ALL OF BAZZ'S INSTAGRAM IS HIM AND CRAY AW I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP SO MUCH. Btw they aren't dating anyone in this, Cray don't have girlfriend and IDK bout Bazz.  I hope you know this has taken me a week to write. I'm running out of ships, SeNd HeLP. Thanks for all the support tho :) 

Brodey = Bazza     Nathan = Cray (Because they don't really show their names)

A/N - Sorry if theres mistakes I'm writing this as a very tired person.

Brodey fidgets with his hands, unable to concentrate on the movie the rest of the click house were watching, most of them anyway. Nathan had been leaving unexplained every now and then, hours at a time. The longest he went was for 3 days and its leaving Brodey in a weird state of mind. Because he shouldn't care as much as he does, or should he? The others never look much into it, or at least to Brodey they didn't show any interest. 

Brodey doesn't want to seem like he cares too much, but wanting to know if your friend is safe is ok, right? "Anyone spoken to Nathan recently?"

"No, you're stressing too much, he just wants space probably. We've been recording non-stop and doing things together, he probably is seeing a girl" Elliots words made Brodey's heart churn. Why this is happening, might just be the thing keeping him up at night. 

It's not like he's homophobic, maybe just because he's been with girls his whole life and this is unusual. But Elliot and Lannan have been dating for 3 months and they seem happy as can be, Brodey has noticed this and it just makes him realise he wants a relationship, even if it was to be the other gender.

"Mhm ok... I'm heading off to bed" Brodey gets up, ready to walk up the stairs, then he hears the click of the door. His eyes light up as he whips his head around, soon followed by the rest of his body. Nathan walks into the house, dropping his bags down. 

"IM BACCKKK" The small male yells, everyone turns their heads and shuchs him. He laughs and turns to Brodey. "Heyyy" he whisper yells, not wanting to disturb the rest of the house. 

Both boys walk upstairs, luckily their rooms are close to the top, meaning they can be as loud as they want, or at least to a degree. Cray sits on his bed, taking his shoes off. The giraffe close behind, swinging around in his chair. "Watcha been doing?" Starting a conversation, he notices Nathan think about his answer. 

"Out with some old friends, they decided to visit. I haven't told you guys because I thought you'd be mad or something, I dont know" Brodey nods, that explains a bit. 

"Why would we be mad? Is it a girl?" Nathan shakes his head, chuckling under his breath. 

"You certainly seem interested, no it's not a girl, just some guys from high school" Nathan explains, cleaning up a bit. 

"Oh okay... So 2018 is almost over, anything you're gonna miss? Or not gonna miss?" Nathan stops what he was doing, facing Brodey. 

"We already had this discussion at thanksgiving dinner, are you ok?" Brodey remembers back, trying to piece together something. 

"Don't you remember how drunk I was? I can hardly remember what I wore" Nathan chuckles again, nodding. 

"Okay well, I think I'm gonna miss all this, we have come so far in just a year and how much better can it get, the contract only lasts a year and late next year it'll end. We'll all go our seperate ways, but I really loved the way everything has turned out. But I wont miss all the drama, like the start of the year, all the article 13 shit and net neutrality. I just hope we can look past everything in the end, ya know?" Brodey nods, taking in every word. 

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