Fitz X SwaggerSouls

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A/N - Thanks for this request it was hella fun to write :') I apologise if it isn't up to your standards but I did want to enjoy writing it if it was gonna be long. 

"Fuck," Cam hushed a groan, catching his leg on a nail, randomly in the windowsill, the kiwi alerts Swagger of his arrival, causing the boy to laugh quietly and waltz over. 

"You really climbed all the way up here, just to see me, I'm honoured" 

"Shut the fuck up and help, fuck face"

"No need for such vulgar language," Cam rolls his eyes as Swaggers grabs his arm and pulls him through the window, smiling as the taller regains composer and looks down at the boy, a sweet smile planted to his lips, "Gonna do something or just stare?" Swagger chuckles. 

"If you insist," Catching the boy off guard, Cam pushes forwards, a hand reaching  behind Swaggers ear and cups the hair, running his slender fingers through the brown locks. Cams lips attach themselves to the Americans skin, trailing down his jawline to neck, biting softly followed by soft, sloppy kisses over the marks. 

"God~" Swaggers moan sends a rush of blood downwards in both boys. Cam already knew where to go on the others neck to drive him crazy, purposely going just off centre to push the limits. Swaggers neck was fully exposed as his legs started to give in, leaning more onto Cam with each kiss, a trail of saliva left between each part.

Cams hands had now travelled down and fiddling with the hem of the others shirt, walking Swagger backwards to the bed and slowly guiding him- "SWAGS!" The pair freeze, Swaggers eyes going wide as he jumps up, forgetting the purple marks that were slowly forming. 

"What-" Cam doesn't get to finish his sentence before he's pushed over the bed, falling to the floor with a loud thump and a groan followed, "My fucking leg!" Cam whisper yelled, but understanding and ducked his head down. 

Swagger quickly jumps onto his computer, wiping away whatever saliva was left on his neck and focuses his eyes on the computer, "ANSWER ME YOU CUNT!" His door swings open to reveal Mason, dressed in what could only be Ryans gown and holding a beer. Swagger turns his head and sighs, "You could very well hear me" Mason whines. 

"I had headphones on, what do you need?" 

"You didn't have headphones on" Mason chuckles, pointing to the headphones on the bedside table, Swagger blushes and sheepishly smiles.

"Alright, you caught me," Swagger puts his hands up in defence, his face though, not changing from a bored expression, "I just didn't want to listen to you" Mason gasps and throws a hand over his heart, pointing the bottle in the elders direction.

"I will break this over your head, cunt" Masons chuckles before continuing, "There's boos n' shit downstairs, don't be a gremlin, come down," Swagger rolls his eyes, "Also!" Mason turns back in a quick motion, startling the American, "Dinner will be served by chef Matt in about, 10" 

"Ok, let me finish up editing this segment"

Mason pauses, looking at Swagger up and down, not saying or moving at all, "What-"

"Is that a hickey?" Mason questions, stepping forwards a few steps to get a better look, which Swagger denies and pulls his hoodie up.

"Uh- Well-" 

"THOSE ARE NEW!" With the biggest smile on his face, Mason runs out Swaggers door, prancing down the stairs, yelling the whole time and making Swaggers face scrunch up and heart start pounding. 

"Hahaha, now we have to tell them" Cam chuckles, standing up from the couch and making his way over to Swagger, who was locking his door, "It's not all bad, once we tell them, I can kiss you whenever I like," Swagger looks up at him, a small smile tugging at his lips, "Plus I won't have to scale the house whenever I feel like spending time with my boyfriend"

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