QuackityHQ X WildSpartanz

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Alex = Quackity        Brandon = Spartanz 

A/N - I've grown attached. 

"Go subscribe to Aksel, on his channel Aksually, go follow us on instagram... and yeah, thanks so much for watching, bye" All goes quiet, the only sound being a quiet rumble from passing trucks above where Alex was recording. 

"Ok thanks for inviting me, see ya later" The familiar sound of the discord call dropping runs through his headphones. huffing a quiet sigh and saving the recording file, Alex stretches his hands out, cracking a few fingers, before turning on music and beginning to edit. 

It's a shame, today was a nice day to go out, but due to not uploading enough, people start to get annoyed and thats something Alex will never get used to, constantly seeing people want the best from him, the best content. Failing is something that will never be comfortable. Editing was always a struggle because the more you look over it the more ways you could see it to improve and no matter what you do, you'll never match everybody's likings, perfectly. Then that person will go out of their way to make sure Alex knows, not regarding how it makes him feel. 

Being so far away from all your friends is also a struggle. Only being able to see their faces through pixels or hear their voices through a mic, its hard. Sure, he's seen them before, had their own times, all got to know each other to the point where they are today, but it's never the same as face-to-face interactions. 

One of the people he missed most was Brandon. The way he cracks jokes in the most inconvenient places, completely ruining the atmosphere, but followed by his beautiful laugh, it's all ok. The way he constantly takes the piss out of everything, but when needed can be the most intelligent and serious person you've ever met. The way he isn't manipulated easily, has his own opinions and doesn't take 'no' as an answer, all makes Alex fall for him harder. 

He isn't ashamed to admit he likes Brandon, though he doesn't know his sexuality. If you had to put it in perspective, he doesn't want to be known as Straight, Gay, Bi, or anything of the sort, but right now nobody is attractive, except Brandon. The small boy doesn't care if he's being selfish, he wants Brandon all to himself, for nobody else. He wants to able to call Brandon his, be constantly loved, by nobody other than Brandon. 

Mid-way looking through royalty free music, Alex hears a quiet knock, unsure if he was correct about hearing it, sure enough, another knock follows. Alex stands up and heads upstairs, due to not standing for a while, he stumbles a bit and his eyes go black and head feels dizzy. "Who would knock at the door at... 11:25pm sweet Jesus" Alex mumbles to himself, heading towards the door. Yeah, when you live alone, you tent to talk to yourself. 

Opening up the door, he's met with the most beautiful greeny brown orbs, his figure illuminated due to the backdrop of street lights. Never in a million years did he expect this. "Brandon?" His voice is hushed, yet so full of life and excitement. 

"Hopefully" Alex smiles, not knowing what to do with his hands, he just fidgets with the end of his sleeves, giving Brandon the most adorable sight. 

"What are you doing here? I- of course I dont mind i'm just curious" Brandon chuckles.

"You seem so lonely here, so I decided to come for a visit, you also mentioned that you were free this week so... Here I am" Alex is overjoyed, this lucky? how could this be?

Brandon notices how fidgety Alex has become, smirking he teasingly says "Happy?" Alex rolls his eyes

"Stawp..." The taller boy smiles, holding his arms out, waiting for the younger to comply. Alex accepts almost immediately, the moment he touches Brandons chest, is engulfed in the scent. Sniffing it like a line of coke, nuzzling into his cloths, appreciating the other being.

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