Chapter 1

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Once upon a time. That's how it always starts, right?


Well, not for me anyway. Only the Royals get the whole 'Once Upon A Time' and 'Happily Ever After' deal. Fables like me? We get 'Once there was' and a 'the end'. Why? Because we didn't have a prince charming.

Okay, you probably don't even know who the Royals are. I'll explain it, from the beginning.

The history of Magica is a long and winding tale with back-stabbing and stuff. If you're waiting for me to tell that particular part, keep dreaming. Most is left for imagination, even for those who've lived through it all. But one thing that's been strong and true: the Head Council. It has many names, like the Fairytale Council or the Makers, but all of the names man the same. They are titles behind the most powerful people, like, ever. Forget Kings and Queens, the Head Council  makes those. They're the Big Men. The whole council consists of a total of fifty members--one for every race, like fairies and humans and stuff--but there are three that everyone knows. Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, and Hans C. Anderson. They are the ones who finalize fairytales, fables, or Nameless.

So, Cinderella and Snow White and everyone else get a happily ever after, because they run off at a young age with a prince. Fairytales. Royals. But my dad and his brothers? The original billy goats? Yeah, no prince, no happily ever after. We're fables. Renegades. I mean, it could have been worse. We aren't Nameless.

The Nameless. That's the only name they have. Everyone is scared of them. You never even know if someone is a Nameless until the Council sees them. Then the disappear, going to...wherever the Nameless go. The Nameless specifically are those whose life story was deemed without a moral or without a happily ever after. Everyone is scared, because there are rumors that the nameless are the things that lurk in the dark, waiting for the right moment to kill. The Nameless are those unknown to The Otherworld, the place our stories go. The Nameless are lost.


I shudder. My dad has been putting that speech into my head for awhile now, and I can't forget it. He's always telling me to do the same thing he did. I'm not the eldest, so really it was my brother's job, but to be honest I was the meatiest of our family.

You see, most fairytale and fables make their children do the same thing. Follow the foot steps. Mostly because we all remember what happened to Princess Rose. She wanted to be a baker, and her parents were okay. She lived her life normally, and once she hit sixteen, she was judged by the Council. She didn't marry a prince. She didn't make any morals. So she became nameless. Her parents, Beauty and the Beast, were devastated. The rest of the fairytales and fables learned from this, and because they could think of nothing else to do, they just have the same story. Right now, Princess Ash and Prince Ebony are getting married. In fact, I'm watching it on TV right now with my family. The first of the second generation to have their stories completed.

My sister, Lindsay, was squealing. "Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see Princess Ash's dress! She must be so beautiful!"

"She's fourteen..." I muttered.

"So was Prince Ebony's mom, Snow White!"

"Prince Ebony is eighteen. This is crazy."

"So? They're so cute!"

"Age gap..."

"Why are you so skeptical of stuff like this?"

"You can't know love if you haven't even started your month--"

"LALALALALALA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"  she threw her hands over her ears. I rolled my eyes. "And you don't even have horns yet." I pointed out, and she stuck her tongue out. "You're just jealous because you don't have any friends."

"I do have friends." I muttered, looking back to the TV. I don't though. I'm alone, unlike my sister. She's a year younger than me at fifteen. George, our older brother, was sitting beside me. His horns were huge, about as long as my arm, all twisty and stuff.  Mine were about five inches, no twists. I also had ears that were a little too long. 

My family was a special race. There weren't any others like us. We were put under councilman Hedge's dictatorship: fairies. We weren't though. No wings. No magic. Just hooves instead of feet. Goat ears instead of human. And horns. Other than that, we were human. Me and my short hair. Some people say it looks like Goku from the Otherworld's hair, but it isn't blue. My hair is white. Also, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have three dreads at the front of his head. Two on the left, one on the right.

My sister has pigtails, and George had a ponytail. We all had white hair, but that's where resemblances end. I have curves. I know so because the boys next door hoot and cat call me. I'm not fat, no. I'm actually skinny, just got...never mind. I rolled my eyes at the screen and my sister when Princess Ash began walking down the aisle.

I stood up and left. I hate that everyone is like that. They're happy with their life. I'm not.

I don't want to walk over a bridge, meet a troll, and tell him my brother would be tastier.

I don't want to be judged, especially within a year. We have to do our 'fable' before my sister turns sixteen. Sixteen is the limit to being judged. And because she is still possibly part of our story, they haven't judged me or my brother. There's actually one woman who just keeps on having children so they won't have to get judged. Pretty sure they won't have to, either. They'll be the children of the old lady who lived in a shoe.

I went to my bedroom and lay on the floor. I felt my tail twitch in anxiety. My sister was pushing it to. We might end up Nameless, all because she has a crush on Asen. Who's Asen? The troll. In our story. He's a year older than me at seventeen. Same as George.

I groaned into my pillow. I blame everything on him nowadays. Run into a doorway? It's Asen's fault. Forgot to brush my teeth? Asen's fault. Going to become a Nameless? Asen's fault. And only the latter actually was.

I turned to the ceiling. I hated that everyone thought I would dump everything on them, all because my uncles. It's their fault, too. I don't have any friends because of them. I shook my head; I can't even lay my head down right because my horns.

I closed my eyes. I had to go to a stupid party tonight, because all of the kingdom is invited. Stupid Royals.

Everything is Asen's fault. I tell that to myself every night to make myself feel better.

It never works.

The Lost FairytalesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang