PKB -Prologue-

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"Thank your body for what is has given you. Every sensation, touch, smell, the feeling of the whispering of air down your throat with each breath you breathe. Even enabling you to have these self deprecating thoughts themselves. Just remember that no matter how hard it may be to keep those familiar breaths flowing, every single gasp is worth it, you are worth it."

This book isn't meant to cure anything, for I do not have the skills of a psychiatrist nor do I have the power to compress time. This series of poems and memoirs I offer to you is merely in an effort to relate. If with that, you find solace and comfort, I commend you and myself. It is not easy to 'put yourself out there'. Not much worth it comes easily. So push yourself. You don't have to be a poet or even a writer. At heart, each and every one of us has a story. I encourage you to share yours.

I lost my stepmom to cancer in November of 2018. There are many poems dedicated to her in this. I wrote some before she died and some after- hence the name Please Keep Breathing. There are also many relating to my depression prior to her diagnosis and surrounding that time. As you'll notice, during that period I was suffering for anorexia and bulimia so there is a potential for triggering some. I am now in a healthier mental state. Thank you for the concern. I'm doing alright. If you every need anything- MESSAGE ME.

You are not alone. Please keep breathing.

Please Keep Breathing (Journal of Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now