Chapter 4

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"You can't leave so early," Liv obliged as she fidgeted with the bottom of Daniel's shirt.

"I'll be back in no time, babygirl," Daniel replied before winking at Liv causing her cheeks to slightly redden.

An exhausted Trey let out a groan out of disgust and turned his face elsewhere, succeeding in earning their attention. He asked, "Can't I just stay at yours, Dani?"

"I already told you, my mom grounded me." Daniel finally took someone else into account except the receiver of his undivided attention, Liv.

"Dani?" Trey shook his head out of disappointment.

I cackled while Liv sported her usual lazy, cocky grin.

"Fuck you." Daniel or 'Dani' glared at Trey, who instantly blew off the offense.

"Why are you so hell-bent on not returning to your uncle's house?" I asked him, turning my back to those gross kids.

"He probably won't let me in," he replied ever so softly, but I heard him even with all the background noise produced by the other two.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"No, it's fine."

"Tell me about the tattoo on your thumb," I tried to change the topic.

"That's a story for another time."

"C'mon we're getting late," Daniel called him, much to my disappointment.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Wait!" I grabbed his hand making him look back at me. "Where will you stay?"

"I'll just sneak in or something."

"Won't your uncle be upset or get mad?"

"He won't find out."

"Well, if you get into more trouble, my door is open."



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