Chapter 5

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"That's it, class!" Mrs Deangelo shouted in relief as the bell rang. "Do not forget to bring your books. No consideration from next class."

She said the last part directly looking at Liv, who did not even bother to make eye-contact.

"Guess what Daniel sent me!" she demanded excitedly as we exited the class. 


"A shirtless pic!" she shrieked loud enough to earn glares from the passersby. 

I shook my head at her to which she only rolled her eyes as she waited for my response.

"Haven't you already fucked him?" I opened my locker door to put my books inside but she slammed it shut. Not exactly shut, it violently hit my arm. "Oww!"

"Yes, but this is another invitation!" 

"Great for you." I patted her shoulder awkwardly and opened my locker again, but not before giving her a glare to not pull that again.

"But Daniel-"

"Yes?" a deep voice answered from behind her. We knew clearly who that belonged to and we instantly smelled trouble.

I closed the door to see it was Daniel Schnifer, captain of the football team.

"Sorry, not you," Liv muttered out of embarrassment and swiftly turned back at me with eyes as wide as two saucers.

"Not me?" he mocked as he came closer and leaned against the locker next to which Liv was standing.

She instantly moved away and stood behind me. It was no surprise she felt threatened. Daniel was known to be cocky and for absolutely not gving a fuck about mutual respect for his fellow peers. But we weren't the ones to judge someone over random gossip. We had a terrible encounter with him to believe that.

"Daniel, please." I raised my hand before he could take another step. "We don't want any trouble. She wasn't talking about you."

"Not about me?" he scoffed. "I don't think there's any other Daniel she could be talking about."

"Yes, there is!" Liv interjected. "There are millions of other Daniel's in this world. For instance, Daniel Radcliffe."

"Oh, but I know you were talking about me." He smirked as he reached out to grab Liv's chin.

Before he could do that, I grabbed his hand and twisted it. He hissed in pain but made no effort to free himself.

"Alright, asshole. She apologised and told you she wasn't talking about you. So, the best thing you can do is accept that and leave."

He jerked his hand away and walked away. He yelled without turning his face as he trudged down the hall, "I'll see about you whores!"

To any random eavesdropper, his comment would seem unnecessary based on the simple misunderstanding.  But, we knew that there was more to from where that came.

The flash of a camera across the hall caught my eye. It was Rogan Dale. He had his stupid phone out to film it for the sake of his "drama blog".

"Get a life," I said to him and he immediately put his phone down.

I scanned the hall for any other student, but only we three were there. Rogan scampered away with his bag in one hand. We knew the next day all we would be able to hear would be how we asked Shnifer for sex; how we forced ourselves on him; and other made up shit. Rogan could never be trusted; he was a snake.

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