Chapter 2: A New Friend

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Y/n pov

A week has pass since the entrance exam and I've done nothing but wait around the house. The girls tried to get me to calm down but I was worried that the acceptance letter may have come up if I was gone. Still...they were right. I needed to relax. Guess a quick walk wouldn't hurt. I put on a t-shirt as I head out the door.

"Oh are we going somewhere Y/n?" Yuri asked.

"Not really, just out for a walk" I reply back.

"Ugh about time you did something than sitting in the house worrying" Natsuki said. " were begining to worry us..."

"Heh..sorry about that girls..." I tell them.

I walk through the streets and head to a small park. It wasn't well known since it was kinda hidden away from the public. was nice a place when I want some peace and quiet. Well as much as I could get with four girls trapped in my head. I look around to see that no one was here but myself. I take a seat on one of the swings as I look up at the sky.

"I wonder if that girl made it..." I whispered. "Mina Ashido..."

"I knew you were interested in her" Monika teased me as I sighed.

"More like I'm curious about her quirk" I say to her. "I wonder how powerful her acid is. If that's her real quirk or a part of something bigger."

" can just ask me if you really want to know."

I turn around to see Mina standing a few feet away from me. She walks towards me with a smile on her face. I didn't notice before but her eyes were black while her iris were yellow. They looked...nice.

"You know it's rude to talk behind people's back" She teased me. "Anyway who are you talking to anyway?"

"Can hardly be rude when it's simple curiosity " I tell her. "Anyway I was talking to my friend."

"Was it Sayori?" She asked me.

I shake my head and wondered if I should tell her how I share my body with four girls. Well... it's not like she hasn't seen me transform before.

"I was talking to my friend Monika" I tell her.

"Monika? There's another one?" Mina asked me.

"Another three. There's four total" I tell her. Hopefully she doesn't think I'm crazy.

"That's so cool! Can I meet them?!" Mina asked excitedly.

I was surprised how well she was taking this. I was actually thinking she may think I'm crazy or wierd.

"What do you girls think?" I ask as Mina looked at me with a confused look.

"I don't mind" Yuri says.

"Me either" said Monika.

"I already met her but I haven't gotten a chance to introduce myself yet" Sayori says cheerfully.

"Not like I got a choice at this point" Natsuki says.

"Ok well I guess Sayori should go first" I say as my body begins to transform.

Mina watches as my body changes. After a few seconds, standing in front of her, was a blue eyed girl.

"Hi there. I didn't get a chance to introduce myself before. I'm Sayori" Sayori says with a smile.

"Nice to meet you again. Thank you for healing me before" Mina tells Sayori.

"No need to thank me. I just want everyone to be happy" Sayori responds. "Guess it's your turn Monika."

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