Chapter 4: Broken Minds

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Y/n pov

I slammed my head on the desk as we came back from lunch. I can't believe what just happened.

"Y/n look I'm sorry I got carried away ok?" Natsuki said.

"No Natsuki it's not ok. That blew up more than it had to" I say to her.

"It was fun to watch though" Sayori commented.

"Which part Sayori? The part she challenged Lunch Rush to a cook off? Or the part that they cooked food for the next three days? Or the fact that they cause the uniforms to somehow explode from the student judges?" I asked in frustration.

"Yes to all of them" Sayori simply said.

"Ugh why is my life so confusing?!" I groaned.

"Because you love and appreciate us?" Yuri answered me.

I scoff knowing that despite everything I did care about them. It was just annoying having your body taken over without your consent and now have to live with consequences. I turn my head as I watch the rest of the students come in. Mina walked in with her friends Momo and Kyoka. Momo was one of the students who got in through recommendation. She was fairly tall and always had her black hair tied in a ponytail. If I remember right, she was able to create any nonliving thing as long as she new the molecular structure. Kyoka on the other hand was shorter than the other two. She had short purple hair and had earphone jacks attached to her earlobes. She gave off a rocker kind of vibe which intrigued me if I was honest.

As everyone got into their seats, it occured to me that I didn't know what was the next class. I probably should ask Monika since she memorized the class schedule.

"Hey Monika, what's our next class anyway?" I whispered.

"Oh it should be-" But Monika get cut off by a familiar person.

"I Am HERE!" All Might shouted. "Coming through the door like a hero!"

The class gets excited as I remember what class I'm in, hero basic training. I feel like an idiot for forgetting this.

"And are we sure you're not one?" Natsuki asks.

"One more comment from you and no manga for two weeks pipsqueak" I hissed at her.

Natsuki gasps as the other girls giggled. To anyone this wouldn't be an issue but for Natsuki this was serious threat.

"Fine" She huffed.

"Welcome to hero basic training. Here we'll learn about hero laws as well as getting able to train" All might says to us. "But one part of being a hero is looking good!"

He points at a wall which begin to push out, revealing suitcases with numbers on them. Based on he said, they hold what I thinking.

"These hold the costumes based off your quirk registration forms and requests you made before school started!" All Might said as the class began to cheers. I smiled as I was excited to see how they designed my- er, our costume.

"Ooo I can't wait to try it on!" Sayori said squealing.

"I just hope it doesn't look stupid" Natsuki grumbled.

"You should be a bit more honest Natsuki. We all know that your the most excited about this" Yuri teased her.

"W-what no I'm not" She said.

"But weren't you the one who stayed up all night with Y/n makinng ideas on the design?" Monika asked knowingly.

"How about you guys decide who's getting dressed in it and we'll go from there" I say as I grab suitcase as the girls argue among themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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