Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

We reappeared in my dad's kitchen, making the nymph leap back. The carafe that he was holding dropped out of his hands, shattering on the floor and spilling juice everywhere. Aether growled at him and took a step back to not get his precious military boots tainted. Moros stared at him as if the poor nymph had just offended his mother which he had probably done at one point in his life while working for my parents. The only reason why he could get away with it was him being my dad's favorite. Although my dad heavily denied that but even blind people were able to see that.

"Are you okay?" My dad asked concerned.

The nymph just nodded and started to clean up the mess that he had made on accident. Aether kicked a glass shard in the direction of him, hitting him in the naked foot which earned him a hateful glare. He almost finished without an incident but cut himself on a glass shard in the process of picking it up. Hypnos looked away, gagging at the sight of blood while Aether scoffed at both of them. I was getting fed up with his behavior and he definitively needed to learn when to just shut up and know your place.

"Your servants sucks." Aether determined, making the nymph glare at him again.

My dad ignored him and just gently touched the nymphs wrist, sending magic through it. The skin stitched itself together and he beamed up at him with a thankful smile. Moros and Aether just grunted, irritated that he would waste precious magic on healing a mere servant. I knew they were having issues with superiority but I didn't think they'd be displaying it that publicly. They should know by now that making rude noises and being assholes in general wasn't going to stop my dad from being friendly.

"Moros, Aether could you search down here while Hypnos, Thanatos I take upstairs?" My dad suggested, earning a questioning look from the nymph.

"Mateo and Nolan are visiting." The nymph told him, throwing the glass shards in the trash.

"Never mind. Hypnos, Thanatos and I take downstairs while Moros and Aether take upstairs." He ordered, 

The two idiots stomped off, hopefully doing their best to search the upper level of the house. I was pretty sure that my dad wasn't the one I was supposed to be suspecting. He didn't even eat meat because the animal might suffer, it would be weird for him to break this habit and hurt another living being. The other two on the other hand made my skin crawl at the thought of them having put their hands on Alexios.

"The kitchen is clear!" Hypnos announced as if we couldn't see that.

My dad gave him an amused smirk as we left the kitchen. In the living room were standing two other nymphs, chatting and laughing. One of them had very light, almost white, blonde disheveled curls and pinkish eyes that smiled back at us. The other one had dark brown, ragged hair that was cut short in comparison to the smaller ones curls that fell down his back. The dark haired one had an interesting set of eyes, one was the same color as his hair while the other was moss green or whatever. I had never been good at naming colors.

"Are you okay?" The smaller one asked, skipping over to the nymph. "We heard something crash and two angry gods stormed off."

"Yep." Caleb smiled. "They were just pissed because I dropped the juice."

"Oh no, not the juice." The taller one scoffed, dramatic hand gesture included.

My dad tried to supress the smirk that was forming on his face while he was watching them interact. Hypnos had his head cocked to one side, confusion displayed on his face. He probably couldn't cope with the thought of servants ignoring their higher ups. I, on the other hand didn't care. I didn't need people to bow before me and I wasn't insisting on them following the rules. For all I cared they could just do whatever they wanted. The nymphs turned their heads towards my dad, smiling at him.

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