Chapter One

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Author's Note:

hey guys! it's been a while! how is everyone doing? I'm happy to be back with this story and to present to you the third and final part! I hope you will like it. I'm always happy about feedback. 

If you're new here, please read Secrets and Promises (in that order!) before this story :)


"Good morning, Taylor" Karlie said cheerfully as she walked into the bedroom, balancing a breakfast tray.

She put the tray down on her side of the bed and smiled when she saw that Taylor had hogged the blanket completely on her own side. It was a quite familiar scene. One that she knew she could see every morning if she wanted to.

"Taylor" she repeated and nudged the singer's shoulder to wake her up.

"I got cinnamon rolls from the bakery."

That did the trick, and Taylor turned around.

"Oh, good morning" she said sleepily.

"You're already up."

"It's 9 am, Taylor" Karlie giggled. "And it's our last day here. I want to go for a little hike before we have to spend all our afternoon in the car."

"Okay, okay, I'm up" Taylor mumbled and sat up.

"The coffee smells amazing."

Karlie leaned over for a good morning kiss, and Taylor happily provided it.

She scooted over a little, making room for Karlie. The taller girl sat down on the bed next to her and laughed as Taylor pulled the blanket back around her body.

"I'm cold okay" the singer mumbled and pouted.

"See, that's why a hike is perfect to warm you up today" Karlie said and cuddled close to Taylor as best as she could without spilling her coffee.

They ate in silence for a while. The only sounds were the slight breeze going through the leaves outside and that of a bird hopping up and down on the roof. The wooden cabin was a few hundred yards away from the others, allowing privacy. It stood between tall trees and next to a bed of bright blue and purple blooming autumn daisies.

The couple had been enjoying their time away from the rest of the world, like other anniversaries spent here. Over the past four years, Big Sur had come to take on an important meaning between the two of them.

"Man, these cinnamon rolls are so good" Taylor said with her mouth full. "Why didn't you get them for the last three days?"

Karlie grinned sheepishly. The best part of waking up first on holidays was getting to decide on the breakfast.

"Just wanted a special treat for our last day."

Taylor simply hummed in response.

Karlie wanted to add something but decided against it. The morning was too peaceful for her to whine about having to go back to NYC alone and go back to her job and apartment. She took another bite of her cinnamon roll. Her negative thoughts didn't belong here. She would have plenty of room for them in the next days.

They finished their breakfast. While Karlie was waiting for Taylor to get ready, she packed her bag, washed the dishes and prepared a little snack for their hike.

"We need to check out by 11, better put our bags and the rest of the groceries into the car now" she said to Taylor who was entering the kitchen.

"God, you're beautiful" Karlie blurted out when she finally turned around to look at Taylor.

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