Chapter Seven

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Author's Note:

'Secrets' hit 20k reads here on Wattpad yesterday so in celebration I'm giving you this chapter a little bit earlier than planned! :) Thank you to everyone who's reading my story <3

Also you might want to get a cup of tea or something before you read this chapter because it's a little longer than usual. There's also lots of dialogue and stuff but please bear with me, I promise the chapter after this is all fluff and no plot-progression. :P


Taylor jumped in surprise when she heard her phone ringing from where it was lying on the table in the dining room. The standard ringtone was blasting through her apartment. As she went to grab her phone and answer the call, she realized how annoying the ringtone was.

Karlie is right, I really have to change it.

She answered, and Selena's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey Taylor!"

"Hey Sel!"

Taylor grinned at her friend, who was holding her phone way too close to her face.

"Give me a second, I was just in the kitchen. I'm gonna make a cup of tea and then I'm all ears."

Selena laughed in response.

"Tea? Are you a grandma, Tay?"

Taylor held her phone so that Selena could see her sticking out her tongue. With her other hand she switched on the kettle.

"No, but unlike LA, NYC is cold at this time of the year. And I need my voice."

"Alright, alright." Selena gave in.

Taylor opened the cabinet with her free hand and grabbed a mug. Selena was about to say something, but Taylor didn't hold on to the mug properly and dropped it.

She hastily took a step back, lifting her arms. She expected the mug to shatter on the floor, but instead it kept hovering in mid-air. She took in a sharp breath. She hadn't even meant to use her skills. Realizing Selena was still on FaceTime, she quickly grabbed the mug out of the air and placed it back on the counter.

"Taylor?" she could hear Selena's confused voice coming from her phone.

She leaned against the counter and hoped Selena wouldn't notice how much her hands were suddenly shaking.

"What happened?"

"Oh." Taylor cleared her throat.

"Nothing, just dropped my tea mug, but I grabbed it before it fell."

She looked at the screen to gauge her friend's reaction.

The brunette had her brows furrowed in confusion. Taylor could see it clearly because Selena had leaned towards the camera even more.

"Okay. Since when do you not have terrible hand-eye coordination?" she teased.

"Oh shut up" Taylor replied, glad her friend was cracking jokes. She wanted to ask her how much she had seen, but didn't know how to casually bring it up.

"I'm alright, just had a bit of a start" she added and ran a hand through her hair.

Selena didn't dwell on the topic and told Taylor to make her tea already so she could get comfortable on the couch and the two could catch up.

Taylor did, but it took her heart rate quite a few minutes to calm down again. While Selena was catching her up on her work and everything happening in LA, Taylor couldn't help but think about what had happened.

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