Chapter Three

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The car was driving along the road near the coast. There was not much traffic, and the view was clear. The sun had already passed its zenith, despite it only being the early afternoon. The two women in the car were enjoying the scenery. The endlessness of the Pacific Ocean, the rock formations and the wildflowers on the side of the road. They had turned the windows down to allow a fresh breeze in.

"Taylorrrr!" Karlie whined and turned down the music.


Taylor looked at Karlie, but quickly glanced back on the road, not wanting to lose focus while driving.

"Please don't tell me you're hungry already."

Karlie chuckled in response.


Taylor looked over at her again and rolled her eyes. She gave her a questioning look.

"You promised to show me the album!"

Taylor sighed.

"I did. And guess what, I was gonna show it to you on this car ride, but I was waiting for a good opportunity" she said drily.

"So thanks for being whiny and unromantic."

She playfully stuck out her tongue at Karlie, who did the same in response.

"Well, since I ruined your big reveal, the timing is perfect now" Karlie grinned.

"Is the music on your phone?"

She made a movement to grab Taylor's phone from the tray between them, but Taylor quickly jerked her arm away.


"Ok ok, I was just kidding ... but is it?"

Taylor groaned in response.

"Yes, it is. How long have you known me?"

Karlie grinned, looking proud of herself.

"Long enough to know you have your own music on your phone" she said and winked.

Taylor didn't know what to say to that, so another eye-roll had to do.

She looked back on the road. They had approached a car in front of them that was going way under the speed limit, so she overtook it. The car became smaller in the rearview mirror. Taylor checked her speed. No, she was good. She gripped the steering wheel, palms sweaty. The road in front was all clear. The scenery passed by, but by now her mind was occupied otherwise.

So this was the moment she would show Karlie her new album.



"Are you okay? You seem nervous."

"Yeah, I'm good." Taylor took one hand off the steering wheel to wipe her sweaty palm on her jeans.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to overwhelm you. I just really want to hear it. And ... and you know, we're not gonna spend that much time together when we get back ..." Karlie trailed off.

Taylor could hear the sadness in her voice.

"No, it's alright. I wanted to show you the album anyways, remember? I've procrastinated this for too long, anyways. I want you to hear the album first."

Taylor cleared her throat.

"But yeah, I'm a bit nervous, I guess. I want you to like it."

She looked over to Karlie again. The taller girl was biting her lip, looking just as nervous as she felt.

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