Ode to Wattpad

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The stories,
The authors,
The captivating words written,
I love it all.

The long list of stories in my library,
Mainly fanfiction,
The endless notifications,
Some annoying some not.

I stay up hours upon hours reading,
Always on my phone,
Always reading,
Always home.

I open you everyday,
You're always there,
One tap or click away,

You fill my day will stories,
Fanfiction that I love,
I even recommend it to friends,
I reccomend you.

You let me show the world my creativity,
Even if it is crappy,
Kind of like this poem,
You let me show off my 'talent'.

The amount of stories I've read is endless,
I've had you for 3 or 4 years,
I can't really remember life without you,
I don't really want to either,
Because I know it sucked.

I stay up all hours of the day,
'One more chapter',
'One more page',
But I end up finishing the entire story.

I just finished one too,
I started it a few hours ago,
It keeps happening like that,
Start and end the same day.

I wouldn't change a thing,
Except the ads and notifications,
But besides that,
I love you.

You make me feel everything,
From happy to sad,
From anger to joy,
You make my day.

This is my ode to you Wattpad,
The most used app on my phone,
Besides spotify,
Thank you.

Thank you for being there,
To take me away,
Away from reality,
And into the world of fanfiction.

Thank you for creating this amazing place,
Where you can read and write whatever,
For people like me,
Thank you.

This is to you staff of Wattpad,
You help this place run,
You help it stay how it is,
Updating when needed.

Thank you,
For all that you do,
Because you help make my day,
And I feel you need more appreciation.

Finally to you authors,
Thank you for your stories,
For sharing your creativity,
So that people can read it and be captivated.

Thank you for making me feel,
For plunging me into the world of your characters,
For everything you do,
Thank you.

This has been an ode,
To Wattpad,
And everyone who makes this app/website,

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