Take me away

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I don't wanna be here
Take me away

Let me leave
Let me go

Let me be happy
Let me be at peace

Take me somewhere nice
Somewhere warm

Where the sky is clear
With a gentle breeze

Trees all around
Maybe a nice river with a waterfall

Pretty houses
People riding bike

Where everyone is smiling
Where everyone is kind

Smells of nature
And delicious foods

Where I can see my great grandma
And my two dogs

A nice library
A radio, or something, to play music I like

Birds soaring through the sky
Butterflies floating from flower to flower

A nice café with amazing coffees and teas
As well as pastries

A nice park
Where I can run with my dogs

Animals roaming free
Flowers all around

A nice music shop with all kinds of music
A nice restaurant with any food you could think of

A comfy bed to lay in at night
With my dogs cuddled into me and music softly playing in the background

A nice place to read a book
Or just sit and think

I don't want to be here
Take me away

I'm done
I'm tired

I've tried
I really have

But I'm done
I don't want to be here

Let me leave
Let me go

Let me be happy
I wanna leave

Let me die
Take me away

I'm tired of living
Of breathing

Of thinking
Of everything

Please Gods
Take me away

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