City Girl in the Country

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When Starbucks is over an hour away,
The closest HotTopic too,
What's a girl from the city supposed to do?

Cell service kinda sucks,
Even in the house,
Not a lot of things to do.

The mall sucks,
Only one good bookstore,
Few coffee shops.

Nothing fun around for miles,
Everything is hours away,
Living in the country kinda sucks.

It's Jesus this and Jesus that,
I don't believe in that,
I believe in the opposite of everything everyone here does.

I'm a city girl in the country,
I live here,
I don't like it.

One school for all grades in every county,
Not that I even go to school anyway,
Maybe one private school for the entire area too.

I wish to be back in the city,
Where there's things to do,
Places to go.

The only nice thing about the country is,
When I look up at the night's sky in my backyard,
I can see the stars.

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