Chapter 8

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Suddenly his body fell but Haemir caught it before it could hit the ground. Chase gasped for air.
“You are fine, you are okay”, Haemir said to calm him
“Huhh”, he groaned as he was set on his feet.
Haemir now faced the King, “My King wants both the boy and the medallion”
“No way, am not giving him both”
“How much for both of them?” Haemir asked
“Not for sale, Drengrin” the King said as he leaned forward.
“My King wants them both, are you turning him down?” Haemir asked
“If the message you came to deliver is true, then I will need at least one of them” the King retorted
“Fine, take the medallion but the kid comes with me” Haemir replied
“I want the boy, Haemir”
“Do you wish to risk your Kingdom? Perhaps I will destroy it this moment and take them both, fulfilling the prophecy of your death” Haemir threatened The King couldn’t speak. “I thought as much; I take the boy, I dare anyone to stop me, and I will be more than obliged to show them exactly how their creator looks like”, with that Haemir turned and left with Chase tagging along behind him.
With the King, guards, mages and advisors looking on in silence; the King rested his back on his throne with a sigh of relief the instant the huge doors closed signifying Haemir’s departure. They both walked to the compound where Haemir transformed into a dragon within a moment’s notice. Chase was shocked to see that it was the same dragon he saw in the trance.
Huge blue dragon with lightning running through the cracks of its scales; “Are you done staring?” he heard Haemir’s voice in his head.
“What da?” He said in shock “Was that you?” he asked the dragon
“Yes” the voice said again
“Wow, so in this form you speak with your mind?” Chase asked with curiosity
“More or less, now can we leave this god forsaken land before I conclude that they have outlived their usefulness?” Haemir asked and Chase quickly got close
“Humm, how exactly am I meant to climb up? You are about the size of a coaster bus or more” Chase marveled
With a gentle breeze, Chase felt himself being lifted up and gently placed on Haemir’s back.
“Hold on to my neck”, Haemir commanded before lifting off the ground and took for the sky. ***********************************************************************************************
Faldrus pulled himself up as he stumbled again, he staggered into a field and as he lost consciousness he could hear the scream of a lady from afar.
He opened his eyes, to see a wooden ceiling instead of the sky; he sat up to find himself in a room, on a rather comfortable bed. Beside the bed was a bowl of water, a cloth, a candle and some bandages. He looked at his injuries and it was all stitched up and neatly bandaged, whoever did it was good at it. The door opened and a young lady walked in; when she saw him awake, she smiled.
“Hi, How are you feeling now?” the girl asked as she came to sit beside him.
“Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here?” Faldrus asked consecutively.
“You are one talking bird” said a voice at the door.
Faldrus looked up to find a plump man at the door, the man wore a native farmer’s attire but had a nice looking face. “Am the farmer, whom you fainted in his field two days ago”
“It has been two days?” Faldrus asked in haste
“Yes, the wounds would have killed you if my mother wasn’t a healer” the man said, “Believe me, even she thought you will die from its poisons, she said you are one tough lad”
“I have to leave” Faldrus said trying to stand
“You will unstitch your stitches if you move” the girl said as she held him down.
“You are all in danger, the attack that almost killed me, was an attack that destroyed my entire village, those monsters will come here next” Faldrus commented as he tried to stand again
“Still, I think you should stay in bed, for now” the girl said again
The man smiled and said, “Iziuel, get him to sleep, he needs it if he plans on leaving that bed soon” the man said as he walked out the door.
“Am not sleeping” Faldrus said
Iziuel smiled, “Dormius”, she touched him and he fell back on the bed, soundly asleep. *******************************************************************************************
Kelpas stood in front of a tub filled with water looking into it; the tub had steps on its side. On the surface of the calm water the scene of Ralnor roaring as he ripped an orc in two piece was shown. Five Screechers hung around the room, Chruma walked in with his sword dangling at his side.
“Master”, Kelpas faced him, “We have news that a certain powerful creature has decimated over 10 villages and 3 cities in just a number of hours”
“That creature is an old friend of mine, Ralnor The Swift, the fastest Drengnir and also a blood thirsty one”
“How do we stop him?” Chruma asked
“We won’t” He signaled to two screechers and they flew straight into the pond, causing small ripples
“Let our Screecher friends take a pound of flesh from him”
With a swift movement, he snapped the manticore’s neck, killing it. Ralnor looked around and saw as the rest of the enemies took to their heels in fear of what this dragon will do. Ralnor roared, fueling their speeds. He laughed as some fell and other stepped over them to get away. He looked around, several shape shifters, wyverns, and monsters were killed. He has lost count of the amount he killed in this city. This was the largest amount of enemies he has seen since yesterday that he started his parade.
“This is not even possible, several monsters in the same place without consuming each other” He said as he walked over their dead bodies. Suddenly, a loud screech hit the air; Ralnor was forced to close his ears. He looked around in desperation, to see what was making the sound. Coming from the forest, two screechers floated towards him; the air blew their linen making it look like danced in the air.
“Screechers? This is definitely someone I knew, Kelpas”
An echoing laughter was heard in the city as Kelpas’ voice spoke, “took you long enough to find out, Ralnor”
“How is this even possible? I saw your destruction with my very own eyes” he swirled around to find Kelpas but the city was empty, save the dead bodies and the two screechers that were now coming dangerously close.
“I am Immortal” Kelpas voice said before fading. Ralnor grew angry, and faced the screechers,
“You better have an extra life…” he drew a sword from thin air, “…because not many get out of a battle with me alive”. He lunged for them but the screechers stretched their hands and screamed. The force from the scream threw Ralnor tumbling meteers away before he stopped. He turned to them again. “It’s been a long while since I faced your kind, but am just warming up” he said before moving at neck breaking speed towards them. ************************************************************************************* Kelpas swiped over the surface of the pond and it now showed a campsite; Chase sat beside a camp fire eating venison and Haemir was sitting on a log poking the flames. With a signal three screechers flew into the pond causing another ripple and Kelpas smiled with what these screechers were going to achieve.

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