Chapter 27

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His eyes fluttered open, he held the back of his neck and sat up groaning; he was in Itham’s lab.
“You could have died”
Chase looked around and saw Ralnor shaping a small piece of wood into a wooden dagger.
“What happened?” Chase asked
“I should be asking you” he stood and walked towards Chase, “you could not even defend yourself against few opponents”
“What? How was I to expect an attack on my territory?”
“You are to be prepared in any territory, yours or your enemy’s”
“What about Allania? She was beaten too”
“This was not a test for Allania but for you, if she failed then I don’t care but if you fail…”
“Am sorry”
“You won’t be sorry if you are dead and you certainly won’t be able to save anyone, not yourself not this realm not your realm and certainly not your friends if you are dead”
Chase couldn’t speak or defend himself, Ralnor was clearly pissed off. The door opens and Itham came in.
“I will be looking forward to tomorrow” Ralnor said and walked out of the room leaving Chase and Itham.
“Hey” Chase greeted and Itham walked up to the table in front of him.
“How do you feel?”
“Like I just woke up from an induced sleep”
“You will feel better”
“I don’t even remember getting cut”
“That was the act of the king”
“He is very fast when he wants to be”
“I thought Ralnor was the fastest”
“Yes he is, but that title is competitive and Haemir as well as the king rival his speed”
“So I failed the king’s test woefully” Chase said crestfallen
“At least you survived”
“I am sure Ralnor will intensify my training or punish me for this”
“No doubt” Itham replied and smiled, “…we should begin”, he said and the table became filled with several instruments and plants.
He walked out of the library with new books and saw Hycis standing just outside the library. She seemed to be waiting for someone.
“Hi” Chase greeted and she nodded in response. He walked closer and asked, “You waiting for someone?”
“I heard what happened”, Chase sighed, “…no one passes a test like that on their first try; you will get better”
“I fucked up, like really fucked up”
“I don’t know what that means but it sounds bad”
“You have no idea”
“Just…know I am here if you ever need help, anytime” She assured him and Chase nodded before she walked away.
The cold morning air brushed against his skin and he shivered; he could never get used to the constant early snow of this realm.
Ralnor stood in front of him with sword drawn; Ralnor thrusts forward and Chase quickly hits the sword to the left and swing with the back of his sword but Ralnor weaves it by bending backward out of its way.
They circled each other, Ralnor brought the sword at him fast; he swiftly blocked but the force was so much that he stumbled backwards.
They circled the more; Chase spoke, “I know you were pissed off about what happened but am truly sorry”
“Apology accepted…if you earn it” Ralnor brought the sword down in an arc, both swords clashed, they locked.
“You are mad, fine, but do you really think killing me in training will solve that?” Chase asked as their faces was just couple of inches apart
“That is for me to decide” he pushes the sword forward and Chase staggers backwards, breaking the lock. Ralnor attacked and Chase tripped but quickly rolled out of Ralnor’s attack range.
“If that is what you want, if killing me sate your anger then I will die fighting hard”
Now, Chase attacked, he thrusts forward but Ralnor only held the sword, he slashed Chase’s arm with his sword and kicked Chase’s legs from under him; Chase lands in a heap and groans.
“I find no satisfaction in killing you and I certainly don’t find any accomplishment in punishing you in a duel when I know you can’t win anyways, so I did something else” He walks away from Chase and the swords disappeared, “this clearing has been circled with a certain spell” he said and gestures around them, “with the spell in place someone can come in but can’t leave; and my sword was lanced with a potion that will paralyze you for hours” he walks back to Chase and looks at the paralyzed Chase on the cold snowy ground, “the mission is to leave this circle before you freeze to death”
“And how am I suppose to do that without moving? Teleport?” Chase managed to say
“Teleportation is out of the question especially since Eldrin was the one who placed the spell, getting out alive is for you to find out” Ralnor said and walked away; Chase’s shouts of protest came but was unanswered as Ralnor teleported himself back to the Castle.
His feet crushed the granite as he walked back in; as he got to the first corridor he saw his brothers;
“So, where is he?” Haemir asked
“He is lying down in the middle of the forest, probably thinking he is going to freeze to death” Ralnor replied
“His body will go into a semi-conscious state if he can’t find a way out, nothing bad will happen” Eldrin sided
“But we all know he won’t die, he doesn’t” Ralnor added
“Chase is stronger than that” Eldrin said again
She walked but stopped just before turning into the next hallway as she heard his name;
“…leaving him in the middle of the forest paralyzed and in the blistering cold is still a bit much” Haemir said
“He will learn survival” Ralnor replied resting on the parapet
“I think this is just a bit further than he needs”
“What he needs right now is for us to stop…” she didn’t listen to the rest and turned back, heading straight for the woods.

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