Chapter 28

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He was starting to feel his toes and fingers lesser by the second; he tried to even budge but it seemed impossible; his mind worked several spells he could use to save himself but found none; all the spells he tried couldn’t even cause a ripple in the boundary spell Eldrin placed; he used a spell that expels toxins but nothing worked; soon he thought of outher ways since magic is useless in the situation.
Suddenly, he heard footfalls. It got closer and closer until he heard a voice call his name in anxiety. It was Allania, she ran towards him.
“Don’t! Don’t!” he shouted and she stopped, “Don’t, he placed a boundary spell around here if you enter you won’t be able to leave”
She stood just inches from the spell’s range and asked, “what should I do?”
“Just…find me a stone”
"A stone, find one”
“Why? What do you need a stone for?”
“Just, find it”
She scrambled around until she finally picked one, “Found one”
“Good, the boundary spell dampens magic within it, so my magic isn’t that strong but yours is”
“What do you want of me?”
“Place the stone on your palm” She obeys, “and say this after me, permotus”
She echoed, “Permotus”
“repellendo magica”
“repellendo magica” she echoed again, the stone cracked and purple light sips through the cracks.
“cerminibus Perdis omnestermius”
“cerminibus perdis omnestermius”
“Throw it into the circle” He ordered and she obeys; the instant the stone passes over the boundary spell, the spell was broken. Chase shouts in pain, thunder claps through the sky and a huge pillar of lightning comes down from the heavens; his eyes shone a bright white, the force of the lightning hitting the ground throws Allania away;
“…believe me, we can just wait a little longer for…” he stops as he heard thunder roll over the forest and a pillar of lightning falls
“Is that where Chase is?” Haemir asks and they all looked from face to face.
With staggering feet and weak form, Allania sat him at the base of a tree and he rests his back tired.
“Ralnor is crazy for doing this”
“Am okay, just tired…” he sees the blood at the side of her head; reaches for it and felt it, “am sorry”
“I will heal with time”
Chase smiled and when he removed his hand the wound was gone, he healed her. He groans
“Healing me drained you, you should conserve your energy lest you pass out” She says
“How did you know?” he asked weakly
“I overheard the brothers speaking of it; I came to save your life”
Chase chuckled weakly, “my knight in shining armor”
“What spell was that? I have read multitude of tomes and grimoire, none has a spell like that” She asked to keep him awake
“I created it”
“You created a spell? How?”
“While lying weak, my mind improvised on ways to survive this cold situation and I came up with it” He said resting his head on the bark of the tree
“How did you even know it will work?”
“I didn’t, it wouldn’t have hurt to tr...y” he said slurry
“Hey, Hey, wake up, don’t fall asleep”
But his conscious was slipping already, “Chase, Chase, come on” she shook him and when he moaned, “Don’t you sleep on me” She lamented, his head tilted to the side as his eyes closed; suddenly he felt wet warm lips crash against his and jolts awake.
The kiss lasted for few seconds but it felt like it could go on, it felt like it should go on.
He groans, “Are you alright?” she asked
“My pain, the weakness, it’s all gone, how?” he looked at her
"A very sensitive spell, it works like magic” she said
“I will love to feel that magic again” he leans forward and kisses her…

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