Chapter 26

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The gates opens and they walk out; Aranor stood at the ledge looking over towards the castle.
“You brought him to Grimuth?” Aranor said in a still voice
“Certainly made Grimuth say something useful” Haemir said; the gates closed.
“I heard…we need to return to the castle, no time to waste” Aranor jumps from the ledge; he shots back up as a huge dark dragon.
“Wow, he’s different”
“He is an hybrid Drengrin, his mother was half aeon while his father was a Drengrin”
“I thought Drengrins couldn’t procreate or something”
“We can’t, his mother loved his father and made him have the ability to fall in love and procreate, to make it permanent she sacrificed her immortality”
“like what is really up with the immortality sacrifice thing?”
“Immortality can be used to channel spells for eternity”
“Well, why didn’t it seal Kelpas for eternity?”
“Because the dread lord released him by using a delrach named Chruma, but still it took 70 years to finally break it even though your father was dead”
“Am still freaked out by the fact that Grimuth knew about fallen angels”
“The dark gods no doubt spoke through him” Haemir said and pushed Chase off the ledge.
“Ah!!!!” he plummeted towards the ground; suddenly Haemir was beside him, falling;
“We need to make you prepared, do you know the partial apparition technique?”
“Yes but I never tried it”
“Well, try it now, or else you die” With that Haemir spurted wings and the wind pulls him upward; he glides away.
“What?! Come on! Haemir!” Haemir was gone; the ground came closer with every passing second.
“Ok, Concentrate, concentrate Chase, concentrate” in a burst of smoke and mist, the lower half of his body transformed into white smoke like substance and the wind pulls him up only for him to smack with the ground; thankfully the force was now reduced greatly since he didn’t land splat but was already lifting upwards.
In a couple of rolls he finally stopped; Haemir lands just beside his head.
“You are alive”
“Please never throw me over a cliff ever again”
“Noted” he stretches his hand and Chase takes it; he pulls Chase up only for them to appear at the palace, “Get a bath”
Chase looked around in surprise; they were back on Castle grounds, “Your teleportation skills are impossible”,
“You will learn” Haemir calls back as he walked away, leaving Chase in his dirty clothing.
Chase stood at the corridor looking at Haemir and lots of workers and guards were testing the newest vehicle in Maregere, the airship; a huge flying ship totally powered with coal and magic, the airship could move almost as fast as a helicopter and with magic it was better than most fighter jets in his own world.
“You seem lost in thoughts”
Chase looked towards the voice and smiled, “not much”
“So you are envious of the flying machines” Allania said and Chase chuckled
“Not envious, just can’t believe this is happening” Chase replied with a smile, Allania nods
“So say we play a game?”
Chase faced her, “like?”
“I ask questions, you answer”
“Do I get a turn?”
“Good am in, start”
“I have known Haemir for years and he has never been this happy in a long time, I want to know how you do it”
“Do what?” Chase asked and she rests on the wall and faced him
“You appeared in less than three months and Haemir is building impossibilities like it is some…possibility, tell me, how exactly you solved the problem he couldn’t”
Chase chuckled, “My world has technologies far beyond this one, I just told him how to make gun powder and boom, and we have a lot of things on the to-do list…”
“Gun powder” she echoed
“Yeah, it’s a substance that changed my world in lots of ways”
“So what is it made of?” She asked and Chase looked at her, “I am sorry if am being too inquisitive”
“No, you are not, well, you are, but in a good way, you get what I mean?”
“I don’t think I do”
“It…it is made from combining grinded charcoal, saltpeter and sulphur in certain proportions”
“And it will give magic like that?”
“Well, you still need a match to make that magic happen”
“Your world must be all shades of weird”
“You have no idea”
They both rested on the railing of the parapet, “I think it’s my turn” Chase said
“You wish to question me?”
“Well, you seem to know a lot about me, but I know nothing about you, well apart from the fact that you are a stunning princess from Cystenn who is a badass fighter”
“Badass?” she asked confused
“It’s a term we use back on my world; we use it to describe a fearless, authentic, compassionate and uncompromising person that hardly follows rules”
“Yeah, so I will love to know you better”
She looked off towards the training fields, “I am Princess Allania Lithron of Cystenn, the second largest kingdom in the Eastlands; I am a fierce fighter who will rather die than accept defeat, and who thinks you should be training now, taken that the dark lord is moving his attacks offensively and you are under trained”
“I can take Kelpas”
“You couldn’t even best me in battle”
“I was playing nice, as I said I hate beating girls”
“And you hate losing more”
“I can always make an exception, especially since those mesmerizing eyes gave you an edge”
They both laughed; she suddenly jumped and landed on the railing of the parapet
“What are you doing? What if someone sees you?” Chase lamented
She smiled and stretched her hands down to him, “I heard what Haemir did, I want you to show me you can actually fly”
“Are you serious? I could barely float”
“No time more perfect than the present”
Chase sighs and held her hand and climbed the parapet as well, “this is madness”
“then let’s be mad together” with that she jumped off the parapet towards the other side of the castle pulling Chase as well; pummeling to the ground, they both bursts into a white smoke and flies away.
Afar off, at the archery range, Hycis stood and watched the two as they jumped and transformed; she was called by a young guard.
“You don’t need him” he gives her a bow.
“Not your concern Myrin” she said as she collected the bow and walked past him.
“You know am always here for you Hycis” but she didn’t even answer him as she walked away sadly.
Facing the horizon both of them just sat on the narrow ledge of a mountain, both were silent. The sun was setting on Erevale but the skies were still filled with excitements as the airships were tested for efficiency and flexibility.
“You know I can sit here forever” Chase said as he rested his back on the mountainside.
“You do know you still have to go back home” Allania said facing him
“How do you even know that?”
“Ralnor tells me everything”
“I didn’t know he was that soft I would have made him a teddy for him to snuggle” Chase said and she laughed
“I am like a daughter he never had…he will do everything for his daughter” Allania said with a smile
“Haemir said you are his best student”
“I think I might need to work better on that, taken that you matched me in a duel”
“I was holding back, I could have done better and best you” Chase said and Allania laughs
“You seriously think that is possible? It will take more than a sword to bring me down permanently”
“I figured, any student of Ralnor’s will be made out of stone if not careful” Chase said with a smile
“Ralnor might be made of stone but he still has a soul of gold” Allania said
“Stone, gold, no difference”
“One has more worth”
“Am sure I will be damn rich if I had gold the size of Ralnor” Chase says and Allania laughs again
“He is worth more than that”
“You guys seem to have faith in him”
“Maybe because we are closer to him than you are, the closer you are to a man the better you understand him”
“I don’t think I can ever understand Ralnor, he is like my nightmare, well apart from the dark lord”
“Kelpas might be powerful enough to shake Maregere but he still has faults, if I was him, you would be dead by now”
“I think he has a plan to pick me out on the eclipse”
“If I were you I will be in a vault 100 feet below ground on the eclipse and line it with thousands of spells”
“I would use millions of spells”
“Millions? What is millions?”
“ ‘lemme guess, you guys have no idea what it means” Allania shakes her head, “it is a word used to show an extremely large amount of things or people”
“You could have used tens of thousands in its stead”
“million is used when the number is so large thousand seems like nothing in comparison and it has higher levels like billions, trillions, quadrillions, gazillions, zillions and more”
“How weird is your world?”
“Very” they both chuckled at that. Chase sighs and looks back towards the castle, “I miss my world”
“Kill Kelpas and you won’t have to worry about him conquering your world and mine”
“I don’t think I can kill a man even if he is my sworn enemy”
“Even if he killed your father?”
“Even if he killed my entire family”
“You seem too kind for your responsibility Chase”
“That’s why I thought the universe chose wrong” he replied looking towards the volcano
“The universe couldn’t have chosen someone better for this” she said and they both looked at themselves, their eyes locked as both felt entranced.
With laughter both of them landed on castle grounds from a cloud of white smoke; they held hands and walked towards their respective wing; suddenly an arrow came out of the shadows.
Chase felt someone push him out of the way and Allania cut the arrow in two with a bodkin.
“Stay behind me” she said but Chase stands beside her
“I can take care of myself” he said; out of the shadows, a spear shoots out towards them; Chase saw it this time and he stops the spear midair, with a flick of his hand the spear shatters into tiny pieces.
Darts shoots out towards them; both of them stood back to back; with a stretch of his hand the darts stopped and he motioned his fingers forward, the darts reversed and shot back into the dark; bodies dropped.
Something moved fast and knocked Allania down; Chase faced his back to help her up but she was unconscious. The fast thing raced behind Chase and he turns but saw nothing.
“Show yourself! You recreant!” Chase shouts out; the thing moved behind Chase and slashed the back of his neck with a claw; Chase turns around holding his neck but saw no one.
He tried to turn around seeking the assailant but he fell, unconscious.

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