Chapter 30

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“We can’t enter his mind without using full power” Haemir revealed
“Are you insinuating to release the locks?” Aelene asked in shock
“Yes” Haemir answered
“You all swore an oath to never…” Itham quickly reminded them but was cut off by Aranor
“That oath was made in times of peace, this is war; we need all our powers active”
Itham added, “It will take a while to prepare for the ritual…”
“We only need ourselves, no time for fancy magic”, Aranor said and stood up, they all follow suit.
They walked to the front of the fireplace and sat on the floor, in a circle; they held hands and began.
Diving to the side, the blast of ice went past him; he landed and rolled back to his feet.
“You might need to be more accurate than that, Chase”
“Am trying, believe me” he projected an arcane spell and picked Alinar up, he moved his hand to the right and threw the old spirit away; Alinar hit a tree and soon stood.
“Arcane magic drains you faster than you might expect”
“I draw magical energy from this world; I have enough energy to waste”
The candles blew out as Itham concluded the spell; the Drengrin brothers roared as pain surged through them; power followed; they stood in a rush and each of them jumped out of the window; they transformed and left.
With flapping wings Aranor landed in the fields with a half crash and transformed back to a human; He stayed on his knees feeling the soil’s texture with his fingers.
The others landed behind him and transformed back to themselves
“Are you alright, my King?” Haemir asked as he walked closer
Aranor raised his right hand and gestured ‘yes’
“It has been long since we have last felt such power, it feels like I can now breathe, like I was suffocating this whole time” Ralnor said and inhaled the fresh night air.
“Let’s just head back to the palace and find out who this Alinar is, and if he was actually what we take it for”
Aranor stood still not facing them, “I can smell the herd of creatures just on the other side of this hills”
“You wish to feed, My King?”
"I think it has been a long time since we last had a heartily meal, if we don’t do it now, we might end up tearing apart all we see” he ran forward and transformed taking for the winds and they followed.
They all landed on the terrace and walked back to the common room; Itham and Aelene sat waiting; they stood as they noticed the king’s entry; Aranor’s eyes shone as he went past the dark part of the room and entered the light.
“My King, are you alright?” Itham asked
“Never been better” Aranor answered with a smile
“Ugh” he floats backwards as he shielded himself from Alinar’s attack; Alinar smiles and teleports to his side; he brought both wrists together and turned them in different directions; Chase contorts in an awkward manner as the space around him twists in place.
With a shout he bursts out of the warp and pushed his right hand away from himself as he brought his left hand towards himself; cracks appeared in the air as he splits space into two separate parts.
Suddenly a wave of energy swept through the dream world knocking Chase to the ground and Alinar away like he weighed nothing. Chase turns on his side and saw as Alinar was standing; he looked around again and saw 4 figures moving towards them; at first his vision was foggy but soon it cleared and he was able to see that it was the Drengrin brothers; he quickly stood on his feet.
“What the hell?! How did you get in here?” He asked as they got close; the brothers stopped and stood; Alinar walked and stood just a couple of feet beside Chase. The brothers didn’t answer Chase as they saw Alinar
“You must be Alinar” Aranor asked
“Who’s asking?” Alinar replied with a witty reply
“We will like to ask few questions” Ralnor said
“Depends on the question” Alinar said
“So you guys came here to question him, like seriously?”
The ground splits open and the space around Chase was split to the side and he looked around to see that they moved him aside and binded him to the spot.
“Just great, are you guys seriously going to have a face off now?”
“We just came here to know who you are” Aranor said and walks forward
“You wanted to know if I am Korvac or perhaps I am his creation” Alinar said with a smile
Chase walks his way out of the bindings and stays between the two of them;
“This is my dream, my rules, no one comes in here and just takes over” Chase stated
Ralnor chuckled and Aranor smiled; “This isn’t your dream”, Ralnor said
“What?!” Chase was dumbstruck
“We spelled you to a sleep and Itham brought you here, so technically, this is not your dream but all our dreams in a place” Eldrin explained…
Steps came into the volcano and Grimuth sits up; he squints his eyes to see the figure as it walked to the ledge.
“Well well well, what have we here?” Grimuth said smiling...

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