Chapter 16

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After enough attempts he finally caught the ball and Eldrin undid the spell that was making it crazy. Eldrin reversed the damage the ball did to the room then Itham came in.
“It seems am through with you Chase” Eldrin said as he stepped out sharing a brief nod with Itham as he left the room.
“You look like you just went through a marathon” Itham said as he closed the door and stood in front of one of the table.
“Let’s just say I went through hell trying to catch a crazy ball”
Itham smiled, with a wave of his hand several equipments appeared on the table, test tubes, pipettes, small cauldron, stove and several other tools, along with several plants in fact it started to look like a chemistry class than a potion class.
“Today I will teach you what each of these plants is used for” Itham said
Chase nodded.
“It is good to have you here, Brother” The king of Rivleam – Dior Ongluth- said with a smile. The room had only three people, two women and three men including the king; they sat round a round table.
“The lands need the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood alike” Xetrus said
“If the attacks made you think we will…” a man said but Xetrus interrupted him
“…Cirdan, I don’t care, about the attacks, I care about the person behind it” Xetrus said in anger
“Kelpas isn’t as strong as he used to be” the man Cirdan argued
‘And we are to wait till he is powerful enough to kill us all” Xetrus scoffs
“The Sisterhood only wait for you to need our help, if you can still stop them on your own then there is no reason for us to join” One of the women said
“Kelpas is surely not as powerful as he was years ago, he is using supernatural beasts for his bidding” Dior explained
“And how is it possible to have all supernatural beats and shape shifters under your control?” Xetrus asked
“That sounds familiar” the second woman said and others nodded.
King Dior finally spoke, “The Plagues”,
“It seems it might get worse than we anticipated” Cirdan said in a low voice
“You think? We are running out of time, and if this is the Kelpas we knew…we have lesser time than we think” Xetrus said and everyone was silent as they all looked at each other in thought.
With dragging feet, Chase walked to the Library after his lesson session with Itham; the old man made him memorize every plant name and its uses, now he was so tired he could collapse.
As he entered the library he saw Haemir who sat reading a book at a table, as he walked in Haemir spoke from behind the book.
“I take it your first day of school was quite strenuous”
“Yes” he said and sat at a chair opposite Haemir
“You reek of exhaustion I could choke on it” he said and placed the book on the table
“I don’t think I can survive such intensity of training everyday” Chase complained
“Then this will be a good news” Chase looked at him with lethargic eyes Haemir smiled and said “I spoke with the King, and he said you will have a new time table” he placed a large piece of paper on the table.
Chase took the paper with new enthusiasm, “The…the…” Haemir nodded
“Yes!” Chase shouted in happiness
“Do I need to remind you that we are in the library” Chase calmed down
“I now have a lot of free days, since I have classes with a day break in-between. So…that means I am free tomorrow”
“Except the fact that you still have Ralnor’s class everyday”
“I can take care of Ralnor”
“That is what they all say…so these are the books you will need to read and practice on, I will help anywhere you might need it” he places his hand on 5 textbooks stacked on each other.
Chase takes one and read the title, “The way of defense for beginners” he looks at Haemir, “Seriously?”
“Yes, you will need it especially if you want to keep surviving” Chase dropped the book
“I need a book that will teach me how to go through several hours of training without getting tired and a book on boundary spells”
“You are not ready for that yet, take it a step at a time” he pushes the books towards Chase, “One step at a time”
Chase sighed as he tried to pack the books Haemir spoke, “Eschallus will place it in your room, for now; just get something to eat” Chase turns around and walks out heading straight for the huge dining hall.
As he entered he saw that Aranor was already at the table, with a goblet and a jar of wine, with one servant on both sides; one filling his goblet whenever he drained it and the other was just for show.
Chase bowed and sat at the table; two servants came in and served him his dinner and drink. He ate ravenously without saying a word or even taking the king into consideration.
When he was half way through his meal, Aranor spoke, “It seems your day was eventful as they said”
Chase paused and dropped the spoon, “So you heard”, he looked at Aranor
“I make sure I know about what happen to people under my rule”
“He made me wolf bait, left me bleeding in the middle of the woods with nothing” Chase snapped
“I think you might have misunderstood a lot of things” Aranor said with a sip from his goblet.
Chase chuckled in annoyance, “of course, and how does leaving me to die a misunderstood situation?”
“Aeons are known for many latent skills like…a connection with nature” Aranor twirled his goblet slowly
“And what does that mean exactly?”
“It means that animals don’t harm Aeons, because Aeons have a sort of aura around them that makes animals and even supernatural ones to see them as family or more precisely their master; if the wolves had found you they would not have attacked you, in fact they might have helped you”
Chase was thunderstruck, “that…that means…”
“Yes, you ran over a mile with bleeding legs on a threat that doesn’t exist” Aranor said and stood, “Have a good night, Chase” he left and both servants tagged along with him.
With a shout he threw his spoon across the room in anger, “That… Ugh!” he shouted in annoyance when he couldn’t find a word to classify Ralnor.
That picture is Aranor in Drengrin form.

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