Night 2(part 1)

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Your pov

You get to work a bit early and walked to your office waving at the animatronics even popping in to say a quick 'hi' to foxy. You were carrying a tray of cupcakes. Chico noticed this. The second the bell chimed-

He turned human and sprinted to the office.

Screaming "CUPCAKEEEESS!!!"  

Maybe you shouldn't have brought cupcakes.

Bonnie was chasing him and stuttering about how he'd scare thriving crap out of you. He was right. When Chico ran in still screaming about the cupcakes, you yelped and tackled him, managing to pin him down. Take note you're shorter and lighter that all the animatronics when they're in human form.

You're just really good at fighting.

You had managed to pin his arms above his head by his wrists. "State your name, business here, occupation, why you ran in here, and why you were screaming about cupcakes" you growled out through clenched teeth.

He was bright red because of the position you were in but answered nonetheless "uh Chico, I'm an animatronics here, performer, for cupcakes, and Cuz I love, love, LOVE cupcakes!!!" He smiled and freed his wrist to point at the cupcakes. "Can I have one?? Please??"

You giggled and got off him....


Bonnie burst out laughing. Chico started eating the cupcake you had shoved in his face. You ate one too and got some icing on your nose. Bonnie had no courage. Chico smirked and walked over to you. "(y/n) was it?" You nodded "you've got a little something right—" he licked your nose "—there!"

You became a tomato. "H-huh?!"

Little did you know a golden eye was watching from the doorway.

Male!human!FNaF x reader (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now