TEN | fever code nightmares

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A few hours passed, and when the faint traces of dusk snaked into the sky and the sun bid its goodbyes, I knew it was time where we finally put our plan into motion.

When nightfall visited and darkness enveloped the world, Thomas and Gally packed their stuff and got ready to sneak into the city again. They were going to try and bring Teresa back here, hopefully without stumbling into any trouble or inconvenience along the way. 

As the two got ready and headed out the room, we all gathered by the door and wished them good luck. They waved back with grim nods, then disappeared.

The others closed the door and idled around the room. Newt trudged back to his bed and after a moment's hesitation, I followed him. He looked up and gave me a feeble smile when he saw me approaching.

"Hey," he greeted numbly.

"You feeling okay?" I asked. It had become sort of a routine for me to ask him that now.

"Yeah. Better than earlier, at least. Can you... Do you mind stayin' with me?"

I smiled, and sat down beside him without needing to be told twice. He placed his hand on mine as I rested my head on his shoulder, and I listened to the steady rhythm of his breathing, his sturdy chest rising and falling gently. In just a few minutes or so, I felt my eyes drooping, felt exhaustion take over my body. Then my eyelids closed and I fell into a deep sleep.


"Do you stay in the barracks with Group A?" Thomas asked, his dark brown eyes gazing at me curiously.

"No, I don't," I said quietly, still not quite meeting his gaze. "I stay in the room next to their barracks alone."

"Wait, you're all alone?" Teresa asked. "But why? You're not separated like me and Thomas, so why aren't you with the other girls?"

I glanced down at my feet, getting more flustered by the second. "I-I don't know."

"All we've figured out for now is that she might be in Group A like us boys," Alby said. "That's the only possible reason we can think of."

"That's stupid," Teresa snorted. "Whose idea was this?"

"Probably one of the screwed-up gents that tests us," Minho said.

"I told you to stop saying the word 'gent'!" Alby said.

Minho rolled his eyes, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Damnit. I thought I'd be able to get it past you this time."

"Enough, you two," Newt ordered, though a small smile tugged at his lips too. "C'mon, let's take these two to see the rest of Group A now, shall we?"

Newt nodded towards Thomas and Teresa, whose eyes lit up at the mention of Group A. For all the years they had been in WICKED, they had for whatever reason been separated from the rest of us - something about them being smarter and more special from the rumours flying about - and they haven't had the oppourtunity to meet the rest of us yet. So now we were taking them to see the others, including the Group B girls.


"What's up, Tommy? You look bloody fantastic for three in the morning." Newt greeted as we entered the storeroom where we held our secret meetings in.

"Who's the new kid?" Minho asked.

"What's your name? Mine's Alby." Alby said, kneeling before the boy.

The short, chubby boy a little on the squat side was sitting on a bed, his legs dangling over the edge. He stared up at us, his rosy cheeks tinged pink. "I'm Chuck. I just got here."

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