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Naruto stifled a yawn as he entered the schoolyard. It was still early in the morning and Naruto was feeling a bit groggy. Even after all these years, he just simply was not a morning person.

He had simply gotten up early because it was the first day of school and he didn't want to be late, but now he had almost two hour to kill before the start of the school ceremony.

"Ah! I wonder when Satomi and Kirito will be here. I wonder if they will come here in time. Man, what should I do". He sighed. Maybe it was still to early for him.

Satomi Prologue:

As for his friends, Satomi Rentarou, a Rougue Civil Officer abandoned by JSDF after the research of magicians. After magicians took part in the mass destruction of Gastrea, they were extinct from this very earth. Japan who used to be affected by it mostly got rid of it 5 years ago, during the incident of Okinawa. It is said that "Material Burst" spred a radiation among the entire Asian Continent which helped to get rid of all the Gastreas.

And when there was no need for cursed childrens, they were ordered to killed by their civil officers by most of the governments since they considered them monsters, but only two developed countries decided to keep them alive. USNA and JAPAN.

So they can research the healing factor of Human geneology through gastrea. In this fact technolgy had been throughly developed for magicians.

Naruto will never forget how he meet Satomi. At mere age of 8 he joined JSDF and became Civil officer and just after 1 and half years, through a Incident of 3rd Gastrea war fought in USNA, he formed a party with him along with her partners. He respected for his willingness to live and survive, even after losing his right limbs of hand and leg and most specifically his right eye.

But that Battle took many of their comrades: Kisara Tendou, Nagisawa Shouma and Katagiri Tamaki. Lost their very life on battle feild along their partners and Kisara died because of late treatment of Dialysis and brutal injuries along with their part from Aldebaran. Satomi was devastated with Kisara Death.

As for girls who are only 5 years old.Aihara Enju, Tina, Katagiri Yuzuki, Fuse Midori and many other girl stayed with Dr. Murito Sumire. The very genius who was involved in Humanity project and gave Satomi a chance to fight.

After that war, I along with pervy sage, went in rehab with Satomi and took care of cursed girls in USNA, and Satomi eventually gained courage to live for girls sake.

Miori lost her authority of weapon designer and Head of Shiba Weaponries after her father death, she was forced to shut down their weapons and transfer it to FLT. It was a like a game designed to destroy them. Because they dont have any aspect of magical enginnering, so she sold it with a huge price. Eventually she got closed to Satomi and Satomi also accepted her. He is somewhat happy to find a girl at his age. Pervy Sage was very proud of him. Things are starting to get calm after that war.

But within 6 months our whole world is changed when magicians took claim for mass destruction of Gastrea and after destruction in Okinawa, many countries decided to get rid of cursed children and most of them did. In japan, one incident reported the bomb explosion resulted the death of 30 Cursed girls. But USNA did not took such action as they decided to use them as a research subject, Seeing this JSDF also took responsibilty to save their remaining Cursed Children.

Satomi decided that along with Miori and Dr. Sumire, he will leave for japan along with 4 girls to japan. Jiraiya suggested us to take 4 year graduation course in USNA, which is equivalent to middle school ending year of JAPAN. It will give us additional bonus to return back in USNA, if JSDF tried anything funny business with us and we did as he told. No matter how much of a perv he is, when it comes to knowledge , he is my lifesaver.

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