Chapter 5

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Doctor said: for the time being you guys should stay low since you will eventually face your enemy sooner or later and I also a word of advice from your master.  "Deception is the key to achieve your goal but don't lose the meaning of your life for that sake of that goal." 

Naruto said: Got it. By the way where is he right now. he said he will come to visit us.

Doctor said: he is currently in Shanghai it will at least take him every week to come here but it can take more if he is going to continue his research....

Satomi said: Leaving that aside, what about the things I asked you specially that one which I asked on custom design and the thing Naruto and kirito ask for themselves.

Doctor said: As you said your CAD, Black Trident: Blood Moon, along with the holsters has already been delivered in this briefcase, It would be great if you appreciated Dr. Ringo and Miori for creating it under Sage guidance.

Your CAD has surpassed the quality of  Silver Horn Trident: Taurus Silver. Naruto you are knowledge in ancient skill will help him to understand it.

Kirito have to wait for his Elucidator and Dark Repulser. It will take some time to create it perfectly for the time being you can rely on the photon swords.

And for you, it was quite hard for us to get. Thanks to Angie, we got the request of your circular vibranium Shield. One-third of the weight, stronger than the steel and completely magical vibration absorbent, can be embedded with spells and without about the strongest Shield ever. But seriously Captain America, are you nuts, you are taking the icon of comic book superhero in a real life. 

He said, this is just to prove that sometimes shield can be better than your pride and moreover I will keep it as a memento of that girl I hope she will do better in her military training after all she is a First victim of secret training.

Naruto asked: By the way Doctor, what is that?. He pointed at the drugs injections with the blood.

Dr. said: That is not completed yet. It is an AVG Drug for enhanced regeneration for lost or damaged organ. Currently only 10% chance of success rate.Compared to this country progress rate, i have achieved the probability of success rate. Few more months and I will make it up to 60%.

Naruto said: I guess we can achieve our medical feat in the upcoming year, which means more money for our  research.

Dr. Said: And its all thanks to you and that Sage, we were able to come this far. Kikouka Seijiro is the only individual who had gathered the initiation of Exceptional, and you have gave us freedom from JSDF military. 

Naruto said: That is not something you should thank me. I did what i believe was the right thing to do. I have what it needs to take them down, but i am willingly not doing anything to them. We will talk about these things some other time. Lets go satomi, We have prepare Dinner for the Tenchu Girls. With a sigh, they decided that he should help with it.

At Toto Institute...

Kazuto was at the same institute for which he participated as a AR Technician, as a helper to fulfill the aspects of Augmented Reality. He was a great help at the research, and Yuna father was very impressed with him. He realised why Kayaba was so fixated on this boy. In his research institute, there were Four Genius in Technical Development. Kayaba Akihiko, his best student, Ringo, Higa Takeru and Sugou Nonbaya. Sugou was jealous of kayaba, and he even commited an experiment on mind control experiments illegally for which he was prisoned. Higa is now with Kikouka, former JSDF Commander, and his remaining students got married to each other.

Thanks to this no one left to join his research, and then Kayaba and Ringo send this boy to him to check on program Tech of Augma. And Genuinely, he was surprised when he created the program for Deep Learning, to recognize user brain wavelengths and choose things at user preference. Thus to make this Neet gadget very cool, he started on the program of Ordinal Scale. However,students of this generation who are more focused  on magic gave very vague response to it. Only normal citizen and children are interested in it. And with his talk with  Kirito today, he was finally getting some beta testers as young teenagers. However the discussion took a very serious path when it was related to magic related training. 

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