Chapter 3:

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The rest of the week had flown to Kurt. They had truly kept their promise to Kurt and made it the best week ever. One of his friends was always with him to make sure Karofsky, Azimio, or the other football players didn't go near him.

Alas, the weekend came and he had to say goodbye.

Burt decided that it would be smart if Kurt's first day was on Sunday instead of having to start his classes right away on Monday. Kurt agree that this was a smart idea. It was a boarding school and he wanted the chance to meet a few people before having classes with strangers. It would be nice to settle into his dorm and get to know his roommate and the general layout of the school he would be attending.

Sunday came quicker than Kurt had anticipated and it was soon time to go to Dalton.

*                                                           *                                              *

Kurt and Burt exited Kurt's car and headed towards the Dalton Academy building. It was huge! It was made mainly out of bricks. Beautiful windows lined the building every ten feet or so. The building appeared much fancier than McKinley's. The lawn was neatly cut. There was a fountain in the middle of the courtyard. Black arches could be seen with vines precisely cut and trimmed growing on them. There was even a bush that had been trimmed to such perfection, it looked exactly like the academy's logo.

Kurt stuck his hands in the pocket of his pants. He was wearing a white patterned shirt with black designs, a black sweater vest, and a red tie. What? He wanted to make a good impression.

He took a deep breath as Burt opened the door for him. He left whatever fears he had at the door and sheepishly walked in.

Kurt gasped. It was magnificent. There was a giant spiral staircase that led upstairs. The center of the room had a translucent glass dome ceiling with a huge, sparkling chandelier hanging from the middle. The carpet was a simple burgundy. The whole entrance was magnificent. There wasn't a soul in sight. They must be in their classes. Kurt thought.

"Are you ready for this, son?" Asked Burt. He put a hand on Kurt's shoulder.

"Pshhh," Kurt shrugged. "N-Yeah, pretty much," he admitted.

"Well don't be. I'm positive you'll do better here."

Kurt forced a smile and nodded. He pulled out a map of the school from his pocket. "This way to the main office Dad." Kurt pointed to the left. He led the way.

When they arrived they pulled the light brown, wood door open. They were greeted by a tall lady with dark brown hair pulled tight in a bun and she wore glasses. She stood behind a desk.

"Hello!" She greeted in an overly cheery voice. "I'm Ms. Winter! You must be new here! Welcome to Dalton!" She stopped to take a breath and reached her hand across her desk to shake our hands. "You must be here to see Principal Finchel! I'll let him know that you're here! You are going to LOVE it here! The kids here are so nice and smart! They're such gentlemen! They're talented too! I know our Warblers-that's the Competitive choir here-just won something important but I can't seem to remember! Oh, I'm the secretary here!" She appeared to be finished talking but was still grinning insanely and breathing heavily.

Kurt and Burt didn't say anything for a moment in shock.

"Yeah, Kurt here re-"

She interrupted Burt. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Did I come off a little scary? I do that when I'm excited!"

"Y-You're fine." Kurt stammered.

"Olivia, are you scaring off the new kid again?" A deep voice laughed. Kurt and his father looked to see who had made the sound. An older man, probably in his early 60's walked into the office. He was almost bald and wore a navy blue suit and a red tie. "Ah hello," he said upon seeing them. "I'm principal Finchel. You must be Mr. Hummel." He shook Burt's hand. "And you must be Kurt!" He shook Kurt's hand as well.

Kurt nodded.

"Well come now, I'll show you my office and we can talk." He led them to his office. Principal Finchel walked up to the mahogany desk and sat down in the velvet desk behind it.

"Come now, sit." He gestured to two black and blue chairs. They sat down.

"I'll get right to it." He smiled. He rifled through some papers on the top of his desk and pulled out a small stack. He handed the top paper to Kurt. "This is your schedule."

"Thank you," Kurt muttered. He looked it over. One of the slots between his third and fourth hours were blank. "Why is the space blank?" Kurt asked.

"That's where your club or team would go. And if you choose to do none, that will be your study hall." Principal Finchel handed Kurt a packet of papers. "Those are your clubs to choose from."

Kurt read them. Band, Theater, Robotics, Warblers, Orchestra, Debate Team, Book club. Were just a few to name. "Where do I sign up?" Asked Kurt with a smile. The principal handed him another packet of papers.

"Depends on what you're interested in. Most of them do not require auditions but some such as Band, Orchestra, Theater, and our Warblers do. The information you will need is in there." He gestured to the packet he had just handed him.

"Here's another map of the school." He handed Kurt another paper.

"Here's information on when you can leave campus." He handed Kurt another paper.

"Here's what supplies you'll need for each of your classes." He handed Kurt another paper.

"Here's your dorm information." He handed Kurt another paper. "You're sharing your dorm with a young man named Alfred Clemens. He can be quite the handful but I think you can handle him. Your dorm room is number 239. Here's your keys." He handed Kurt a key-ring with a single key on it.

"Here's the rule book." He handed Kurt a short booklet. "Most of it is just common sense. Be nice, be appropriate, no cussing, no fighting, and always wear your Dalton blazer to classes. Speaking of which, here's your blazer." Principal Finchel reached behind his desk to pull out a blazer and dress pants. "Dry cleaned and pressed." He smiled.

"Lastly, I have someone that is going to give you a tour of the school today. He should be here any moment. Do you have any questions?" Kurt and Burt looked at each other.

"Can you elaborate on that zero bullying policy you have?" Burt asked.

"Here at Dalton, we have a zero bullying policy. This includes, physical bullying, social bullying, verbal bullying, and cyber bullying. This also includes rude remarks, teasing, being mean, shaming, harassment, or just straight up bullying. We have a one strike and you're out system here. If any thing is caught, we will punish that student in the most fair manner possible." He recited as if he'd said it a million times before. "Anything else?"

"No I think that's all we need to know." Said Kurt.

"Thank you." Kurt and Burt both smiled. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Principal Finchel invited. In walked a boy around Kurt's age. He had dark brown hair that had been gelled back. Kurt thought he looked cute, in a nerdy theater kid kind of way. The boy smiled.

"Hi! You must be Kurt! My name is Blaine."


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