Chapter 4:

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Blaine and Kurt walked into the main hallway of Dalton after Kurt hugged his dad goodbye.

Blaine glanced at his watch. "Shoot. The passing time is in one minute. If we don't hurry to your dorm, we'll be stampeded." Blaine didn't hesitate to grab Kurt's hand and begin running. Kurt stiffened. A boy besides his dad had never held his hand before. Kurt pushed the feeling aside and ran along side Blaine, still clutching his hand for dear life.

Sure enough, within the minute the halls became crowded. Every boy that rushed past them was wearing the same navy blue blazer that Blaine was wearing and that Kurt clutched in his hand. Blaine let go of Kurt. They slowed into a walk to avoid being squished. Kurt's breathing started to increase rapidly. Claustrophobia started to settle in. McKinley's halls never got this crowded. Even during the lunch period.

"Hey, you okay?" asked Blaine, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah. Just a little claustrophobia."

"I felt that way when I transferred last year to. You get used to it." Blaine smiled in sympathy.

"So what do you do for your club?" Kurt asked trying to create conversation. The halls buzzing seemed to settle down as everyone found their classes.

"I'm a part of the Warblers. Lead singer. Did you do anything at your old school?"

"I was in the McKinley Glee Club."

"Oh really?" Blaine sized me up as if deciding if I would be a suitable competitor. I started to feel self conscious. "You should audition for the Glee Club here. It's kind of a big deal here and I bet you'd be good at it."

"Wait. The Glee Club here is cool?" I was astonished.

"Yeah, we've won nationals quite a few times and apparently that makes us cool." Blaine winked with a smile. Kurt laughed. "But anyways, as I was saying, you should audition. It'd be nice to see a familiar face."

Kurt thought about his time doing the Glee Club at McKinley. He was nostalgic for all the fun he had. "No. I probably wouldn't make it anyways. I really can't sing." Kurt lied. He wasn't ready for the bullying that was inevitable if he joined. He knew that supposedly Dalton had a zero bullying policy but there couldn't be an adult everywhere he went.

Blaine's elfish face fell. "Awww, but if you change your mind let me know." Kurt smiled sheepishly at him.

They arrived at the Junior/Senior common room. It was just as magnificent and amazing as the entry to the building. A giant, shimmery ceiling chandelier hung low in the middle of the room. The carpet was a navy blue. There were couches and chairs surrounding a giant brick fireplace. On the other side of the giant room were more burgundy couches and recliners surrounding a huge 70 inch plasma television. On another side of the room were half a dozen light wood tables with comfortable burgundy chairs wrapping around them. People were sitting at the tables studying or playing their phones or reading. Along every single wall was a giant bookshelf. it reached the ceiling. Kurt felt like he was in "Beauty and the Beast." When Belle walked into the giant library. It was astonishing. Kurt gasped.

"Room 239 right?" Asked Blaine. Kurt nodded. Blaine led him up a stair case. The black railings were crested with ruby looking jewels. Blaine chuckled at Kurt's amazement. "Beautiful, isn't it? I still can't get over it every time I see it."

They reached Kurt's dorm. Blaine pushed the door open. "They already brought your bags up."

The room was a mess. There were pop cans littering the floor. Dirty laundry draped from the bar and food was scattered across the counters. In the middle of the room there was two beds. One them was neatly made and the other one was being used. There was a boy lying in the middle of it. He was on his phone.

"Ugh, Alfred. You couldn't have picked up the place?" Alfred looked up.

"Not my problem." He looked back at his phone.

"Alfred! Your new roommate's here! You could at least say hi." Blaine mouthed a sorry to Kurt.

"Kurt, this is Alfred. He's your roommate. Alfred, this is Kurt Hummel." Alfred looked Kurt up and down in disgust. Kurt felt self conscious again. Kurt shrugged and walked up to Alfred. Alfred sat up and Kurt set his Dalton uniform on his bed. Kurt offered his hand to Alfred and he shook it.

"Alright, well, Alfred I have to show him the rest of the school. You guys can bond later. Come on Kurt." Kurt followed Blaine out the door.

"I'm sorry about him. He can be quite a handful. Just don't tell him if you're black, gay or Muslim and you two should get along fine." Kurt thought he meant that as a joke but didn't ask for clarification. "You don't talk a lot do you?" Kurt shrugged. "Anyways, I'll show you to the cafeteria now."

Together, they walked to the cafeteria. There were rows and rows of tables. "Here's where you'll have eat all of your meals. Do you like coffee? They have the best coffee here. The food here's amazing. Nothing like the public school food I bet you're used to."

"Really?" Asked Kurt. Blaine gave him a sideways look with a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh yeah. Here follow me and I'll show you where your classes are."

* * *

After the tour Blaine walked Kurt back up to his dorm. He stopped at Kurt's door. "Well this is it. If you need help with anything I'm right down the hallway in dorm 245." He gestured down the hallway. A few doors down was his dorm room. "I room with one of my friends. His name is Jeff. He'd be happy to help you if you need anything too. Anyways, classes start bright and early at 8:30 tomorrow. Don't be late. Bye Kurt."

"Bye. Oh, and thank you Blaine." Kurt smiled gratefully. Blaine smiled back and walked to his own dorm, slipped inside, and disappeared. Kurt unlocked the door to his own dorm and walked in. Alfred wasn't there that time and so Kurt decided to clean the place, unpack, then get some sleep.


Thanks for reading!

If you enjoyed please vote, comment, and share.

Also if you're interested, I'm working on another story called, "Black and White Rainbows-A Klaine Fanfiction." Here's the description:

"Imagine not being able to see colors. Everything is black and white. That is until you meet your soulmate. When you meet, see, or even walk by your soulmate, you slowly start to see colors. When Kurt switches to Dalton, one day he randomly, in the middle  of the day starts to see colors. Will Kurt be able to track down the love of his life or will he lose his abilities to see in general?"

Have a great day!

Unicorns and Rainbows- A Klaine FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant