Chapter 6:

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Another month passed. Kurt and Blaine had become best friends. Kurt and Blaine shared about half of their classes and somehow always found themselves partnered with one another. There was about a day when Kurt thought he was falling for Blaine. Luckily, he managed to snap himself out of it before it became too serious.

Blaine's friends had soon enough become Kurt's and he really felt accepted for once in his life. Kurt had yet to come out to them though. He was terrified of the reactions when he did. If he did. Nick and Jeff would be totally okay with it, he knew that. They were dating after all. Heck, they had even given Kurt and Blaine a ship name. Klaine they called them. Kurt and Blaine would just roll their eyes and ignore them.

"Hey, there's Klaine. Speak of the devil." Jeff had said to Nick when they approached the table during their lunch break together.

Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Jeff." Blaine scolded lightheartedly.

"Anyways, " Blaine started. Kurt sighed, relieved for a change of subject. "Warbler auditions are today. What are you guys singing? I'm thinking of singing, Eye of the Tiger. by Survivor."

They went around the table saying what they were going to sing for their auditions until it came around the circle to Kurt. Kurt shifted his weight uncomfortably. He avoided their eye contact as he mumbled, "I'm not auditioning."

"What?!" Practically screamed Jeff.

"You're kidding." Wes stated in disbelief. Only Blaine seemed to be the one not shocked.

Kurt shrugged. "I can't sing anyways."

"You don't even need to sing! You can just sway in the background like the rest of us."

Kurt was at a lost for words. "I-I..." How was he going to get out of this? Bad memories were hitting him left and right. In just a half of a second he had relived all of the shoves, pushes, and names he had been called. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember any of the good things. It started to overwhelm him. Kurt felt claustrophobic and found it hard to breathe. The lump forming in his throat tightened.

Kurt abruptly stood up, leaving his barely touched meal unattended. He shielded his face from his friends with his hands. He briskly jogged out of the cafeteria without a word. Once he had exited, he began to sprint.

Tears streamed down his face. Kurt heard a set of footsteps following him but didn't bother to see who they belonged to. Kurt didn't stop running until he had reached his dorm. He slipped inside and slammed the door shut. Alfred wasn't here. He was probably eating lunch. Kurt collapsed against the door.  Kurt dug the heel of his hands into his eyes and sobbed.

Kurt hadn't cried since he transferred to Dalton. He wouldn't let himself. He wasn't ready to let his friends see him as weak. As a matter of fact, he didn't think he would ever be ready. He didn't have a choice now. He had finally let his guard down. He knew it wasn't their fault but it still felt like a blow to the stomach. They had let him relive his past, something he hadn't let himself do.

There was a knock at the door. "Kurt? It's Blaine. Do you wanna talk?"

Kurt didn't respond immediately. Rather, he straightened himself out. He viciously wiped the tears from his eyes and straightened his blazer. He stood back up and cleared his throat, running his fingers through his hair. Kurt reached for the doorknob and opened it.

Blaine stood on the other side looking flustered. He was out of breath. "Can I come in?" Kurt nodded. Kurt moved to the side so Blaine could walk in. Blaine strolled in and plopped on Kurt's bed. He patted the spot next to him, inviting Kurt to sit next to him. Kurt obliged, but didn't look at Blaine.

They sat like this for a few minutes until Blaine broke the silence. "Kurt, whenever you're ready to talk I'm here." This only added to the lump in Kurt's throat. Kurt refused to let the tears flow this time. He only nodded.

"I'm serious Kurt. You've only been here for about two months but you're my best friend. You're special Kurt." He reached out his arm and rubbed Kurt's back in circles.

"Th-that's the nicest thing somebody has ever said to me." Kurt really felt safe next to his best friend. Blaine was so kind and sweet. Blaine never had a bad word to say about anyone. He would never judge Kurt. Kurt lost it. He tried to contain the tears but couldn't. He started to cry. Kurt held his head in his hands as sobs racked his body.

Blaine's heart hurt for him. Blaine resisted his own urge to cry. I'm so sensitive. He thought. He wrapped Kurt up in a hug. Kurt's fingers gripped Blaine's navy sleeve. Kurt scooted so that he was facing Blaine, who still had him wrapped up in his embrace. He fell into his arms and cried into Blaine's shoulder.

A few minutes later Blaine's sleeve was covered in tears and snot but Blaine didn't mind. Kurt has fallen asleep. Blaine ran his fingers through Kurt's hair to comfort the sleeping boy. His fingers continued to make circles on Kurt's back. A small frown flickered on Blaine's face as he too fell asleep. Kurt had never told him why he was crying.


Thanks for reading!

This was a hard chapter to write. I didn't want their relationship moving too fast but I did want to emphasize that they were best friends.

I'm sorry it's been so long since I last updated. I got punished and finally got my electronics back.

I have 97 reads! Oh my gosh! That's incredible! Thank you all so much!

Happy Holidays! I would love to here your plans for New Years in the comments.

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Have a great Winter Break!

Also... Klaine?

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