Chapter 8:

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Another week passed. Today was the first day of Warbler practice! Though Kurt was excited, he couldn't help being anxious. What if they didn't like his voice? He knew a few did, when they heard him sing in the shower. What if they made fun of how high pitched it was? These thoughts made Kurt want to hyperventilate. He pushed them to the side.

Since he agreed to be a Warbler, the tension between Kurt and the Warblers eased up. Blaine had started talking to Kurt again. That was something he had missed. His best friend. They were super close now. It was a great feeling that Kurt wasn't used to. Sure, he and Mercedes were still like best friends. In fact, he had just had a long overdue sleepover at her house last week. It hadn't been the same at McKinley. They hadn't basically lived together.

Today was the day Kurt decided. Today was the day he would come out to Blaine. The thought alone made him want to throw up. He was terrified. Though, Blaine seemed pretty open to different cultures.

Kurt would come out on their way to breakfast. If everything went well he would come out to the rest of his friends too. Kurt took a deep breath. What if he didn't want to speak to him ever again? What if he yelled at him? Stop. He told himself. Don't think like that. You know Blaine. He's better than that. His hands shook as he fumbled to button up his shirt. It was Saturday so he didn't have to wear his itchy blazer. He glanced at the clock. 9:46 AM. On the weekends Kurt and Blaine agreed to meet each other in the hallway at 9:50 so they could walk together to lunch. Jeff rarely joined them because he never woke up before 11.

Kurt finished applying the last layer of gel to his hair and glanced at the clock. 9:50. He smiled and walked out the door. There, leaning against the wall was Blaine. They smiled warmly at each other in greeting and started their journey to the cafeteria. "Good morning!" Blaine greeted.

Kurt felt his throat constrict. "Good mornin'." He felt his face pale as he struggled to breathe.

"What's wrong are you okay? You seem tense."

"Um... uh. Yeah, I um... I just... I wanted to ask... I mean tell you something." Kurt played with the hem of his jeans.

Blaine's face contorted with worry. "Yeah?"

Kurt started to mumble, "I'm um... I'm gay."

Blaine's eyes widened. "Oh um..."

"It's okay. I get it if you don't want to be friends with me anymore."

"No, it's not that. It's just... I'm gay too."

"Wait... really?" Kurt was in disbelief.

"Yeah I came out in 8th grade."

"I had no idea..."

"Anyways, I totally accept you for you, obviously. It'll be nice to know I'm not alone. I mean besides Nick and Jeff, but they have each other and sometimes it's like no one else exists. It'll be nice to know I can talk to someone. Not that I couldn't talk to you of course but now that I know and I'm so glad that I know now. You know it can get quite lonely but I assume you already knew that of course. Everyone else already knew but--"

"Blaine, you're rambling."

"What? No I'm not."

"Blaine, you're literally out of breathe." Blaine finally noticed that he was huffing for air. He laughed.

"Are you going to tell the others?" Asked Blaine after a short moment of silence.

"If they're accepting like you say they are, then yes." Kurt replied. He felt much more confident now. That had actually turned out better than he had thought. Perhaps he could tell Alfred too. Kurt recalled what Blaine had told him when he first switched to Dalton. Alfred wasn't very accepting. "Hey," Kurt asked. "Remember when you told me not to tell Alfred if I was gay, black, or Muslim, or whatever? Were you joking?"

"Ha, no. Alfred, as you've seen, isn't the most open minded type. As you've probably seen."

"Yeah, he didn't talk to me for a whole week once because I forgot to put the cap back on the toothpaste after using it once." (One of my personal pet peeves.) "Doesn't matter though, imma still tell him. I don't really care what he thinks."

"See, that's what I like about you. You don't care what anyone thinks."

You have no idea, Kurt thought. Just then they reached the cafeteria. Together, they walked up to their table, where everyone else (except Jeff of course) sat. They sat down and were immediately greeted with yawns. Kurt felt the same nausea he had felt before.

"Guys, Kurt has something he'd like to tell you."

"Guys, I'm um... I'm gay. I know I should've told you a while ago, but I was honestly scared of your reaction." Kurt scanned their faces for their reaction. They started passing 20 dollar bills to each other, some in triumph and other in defeat.

"Wait... you guys were placing bets on whether or not Kurt was gay?!" Blaine exclaimed in disbelief. They shrugged. Finally, Trent laughed.

"I mean, how would we not? I mean have you seen Kurt? No offense Kurt. But seriously, my gaydar is through the roof. That's why Thad owes me 20 bucks." He waved the recently achieved 20 dollar bill in their faces. Kurt rolled his eyes.

"That obvious, huh?" Everyone nodded.

"That's why we ship Klaine! We don't just ship people if we didn't think that it was even possible that they could be a couple. For example, both Nick and Jeff thought they were straight, we started shipping them and not even a week later they had both come out as gay and another week and they were boyfriends." Trent continued. He looked at Kurt as if expecting him to be impressed. Which he was. Kurt looked at Blaine for confirmation. Blaine held his head in his hands as he nodded.

"It's true."

"But wait," Kurt protested. "Blaine and I... we're just friends." Everyone raised an eyebrow at him.

"If Trent ships something, it's like he not only predicts the future, but alters it in his way as well. It's like he's got some sort of love potion." Nick enthused. Kurt noticed Blaine's face turn tomato red out of the corner of his vision. He smacked him playfully.

"Blaine! Don't get all blushy on me!"

His face flushed even more in embarrassment. Kurt rolled his eyes. "Well I'm just glad you guys were okay with me being... well who I am."

"See, I told you they would be," Blaine smiled, his face finally returning to its normal color. They continued their breakfast with only small conversation about Warbler practice. Even though Kurt was turned away from him, he could feel Blaine's eyes stare at him. He wasn't even trying to be secretive about it. He glanced at him and their eyes met. Kurt smiled at him awkwardly but he didn't look away. He waved his hands in front of Blaine's face to make him stop zoning out. "What? Oh sorry. Just thinking."

"Whatever weirdo." Kurt took a bite of Blaine's abandoned pancakes, which Blaine hadn't put syrup on. Kurt pretended to gag. "Ew! How can you enjoy something so dry?"

Blaine shrugged, still staring into Kurt. "Not my fault you ate my food." Kurt dumped syrup onto the waffle and then took a piece and brushed it against Blaine's nose. "Hey!" He took a napkin and dabbed his nose.

"That's what you get for being cocky."

"Sorry Mom." Blaine laughed. Kurt pouted. "You know what we should do?" Blaine asked out of the blue.


"We should go meet your old friends! We could do that today? Please?"

"I guess I could set up someth--"



Thanks for reading!

If you enjoyed please comment, vote, and share!

What do you think? I think this was a very important chapter. Do you think I'm dragging this out too long? Should I hurry up and get to the Klaine romance or naw?

Ugh I had testing today. Like the kinda testing the state makes you do. I dunno what it's called. It's different in other states I think. I didn't even know about it until today. It was a wonderful surprise for a Monday morning.

Have a great day!

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