Chapter 10:

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Kurt and Blaine arrived at Kurt's dorm room a few minutes. "You want to come in for a little while? I know some stuff about preventing a hangover."

"Surewhynot" Blaine slurred, most of his weight against Kurt. Kurt led Blaine into his room and closed the door behind them. Once inside, Kurt led Blaine to his bed and set him down. Blaine instantly laid down. Kurt walked to the mini fridge and his pantry where he kept his pop and a few other things.   He wasn't technically allowed to have food on campus but he snuck some in anyways. He grabbed a Vernors, celery salt, chocolate milk, ketchup, water, cough syrup, aderall, pickles, and 100% natural maple syrup. Kurt grabbed a blender (that he also snuck in). He plugged it in and put all of the ingredients in. He put the top on and started it. When it was done and was a mulch, Kurt poured it into a red solo cup. He grabbed a trash can and the cup as he made his way back to Blaine.

"Here. Drink this." He handed Blaine the 'drink'. He set the trashcan next to him. "Throw up in here if you feel the need to." Blaine smelled the contents of the cup and his face turned green as though the thought of drinking it was enough to make him vomit. He did as he was told and took a swig. As soon as the contents entered his mouth he spit it right back out into the trashcan.

"Ew! What is this?" Blaine gagged. Kurt laughed but didn't answer. "Okay, on second thought, I'd rather have a hangover than this crap."

"Maybe don't drink next time?" Kurt suggested with a smirk. Blaine giggled. Yes, giggled. Kurt rolled his eyes. This is why he vowed not to get drunk again. He didn't want to make a fool of himself.

Blaine sat up and Kurt rushed to steady him. His nimble fingers tightly gripped Blaine's shoulder. Blaine felt his face flush a deep red at the touch. However, he did appreciate the gesture. When he was stable, Kurt let go. Though, instead of leaning against the wall for support, Blaine rest his head on Kurt's shoulder. Now it was Kurt's turn for his face to go red. Should I move me shoulder? Kurt panicked. He didn't. They stayed like that for a few seconds. Blaine snaked an arm around Kurt. Kurt looked down at the fingers gripping his side with wide eyes. He started to breathe heavier and could feel his heartbeat quicken.

"Blaine? Could you please let go?" Kurt's throat constricted. No reply. Kurt looked over at Blaine's head. He was still resting on Kurt's shoulder. His eyes were closed. He was asleep. Kurt slowly pried each individual finger from him. Once Kurt wasn't subject to Blaine's embrace, Kurt felt the tension that had built up in him dissipate. He laid Blaine back down on his bed. He knew Alfred wouldn't be home that night so he didn't bother waking up Blaine. He tucked Blaine in with a blanket from under him. Although he wouldn't admit it to Blaine, he looked rather cute. Curls managed to break free of the insane amount of gel that coated Blaine's head.

Kurt glanced at his alarm clock. 10:30 PM. Wow. Time had gone by fast. He went into the bathroom with his pajamas and performed his rigorous skin care ritual. He was ready for bed about a half hour later. Blaine was still sleeping soundly on his own bed so he crawled under Alfred's covers. He fell asleep almost instantly.

*                              *                                *

Kurt woke up to the light streaming through the window and birds chirping. He smiled. It had been a while since he wasn't infuriated with the idea of waking up. His alarm clock read 11:16 AM. So that's why he felt refreshed. A moment of panic passed when he forgot that it was Sunday and not Monday. Kurt then remembered that he wasn't the only one in his room. He glanced at his own bed at Blaine. Blaine was awake, but Kurt could see he was in pain.

Kurt strolled to his cabinets. He grabbed his pill bottle full of aderall, grabbed 2, and hurried back to Blaine with a bottle of water and the pills. He helped Blaine sit up. Blaine's eyes were scrunched up due to his migraine. Without wanting to destroy Blaine's eardrums, Kurt handed him the pills and aderall silently. He obediently took the medicine and a swig of the water.

"Agh! My head is throbbing!"

"Shhhh, I know sweetie." Kurt ran his fingers through his own hair, an attempt of smoothing it. Then he remembered, Alfred. He would be back any moment. Kurt practically jumped in the air as he stood up from his bed. He rushed to adjust the comforters on Alfred's bed the way it was before; messy and smelly. Perfect timing too. Alfred walked in. Kurt sat back down on his bed next to Blaine. Alfred walked right pass them with only one word:


That was all it took to set Blaine off. Ignoring his migraine he kicked off his blankets. He stood up and punched Alfred in the face before he could dodge. Alfred staggered backwards a few feet, his hands instinctively went to his face. Blaine prepared to throw another punch before Kurt got in between the two. "Blaine! Stop!" Blaine weighed his options. In the end he decided to calm down. His arms returned to his sides but his glare never left Alfred. Kurt roughly dragged Blaine by the crook of his elbow out the door. They walked for about 30 seconds down the hall. They reached Blaine's dorm. Before Blaine even had a chance to open it Kurt began to scold him. "Blaine! You can't just go around punching people! That makes you just as bad as him!" Kurt folded his arms.

"Thanks Mom." Blaine rolled his eyes, his arms mimicking Kurt's.

"I'm serious!" Kurt protested.

"You know what? I think I'm just going to take a nap. I'll see you tonight at rehearsal." And with that he unlocked his door, slipped in, and slammed the door behind him. Leaving a stunned Kurt outside his door.

Kurt decided to get some breakfast. He wasn't ready to face Alfred yet. Upon arrival, he immediately stacked his plate with pancakes and drowned them with syrup. He slumped to his seat where only Trent and Wes remained. They instantly noticed that something was wrong. "What's wrong Kurt? Where were you last night?" Asked Wes, twirling a gavel in his right hand. Kurt didn't even question this. It was normal.

Kurt shrugged. "Blaine I guess. Alfred called us a homo and he just got up... and punched him. Oh and we weren't at rehearsal last night because Blaine was drunk."

Rather than sympathizing with Kurt they both laughed and mocked, "Awwwwww! Our Blainey day's protecting his boyfriend!"

"I'm serious!"

They're faces got more solemn. "Getting drunk just sounds so much like him. Just give him sometime to cool off and he'll come around again in no time." This made Kurt feel relieved, but he was still upset with Blaine.

"Thanks Guys."


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Sorry it was a filler chapter. I just needed to get something published. 174 reads! Holy crap! Thank you all so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Have a great day!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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