Chapter 9:

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"Blaine, Puck's throwing a party we could go to today. It starts at noon." Kurt told Blaine a half hour later. They were sitting on the edge of Kurt's bed together.

"Sounds great! Tell him we'll be there."

"There's going to be alcohol there. If you don't care, I don't mind being designated driver."

"Are you sure? I don't mind either."

"Trust me, I'd prefer it. Last time I was drunk it wasn't pretty."

"Oh do tell."

"This glee club guest got me to drink at school and I threw up on the guidance counselor's shoes."

Blaine laughed. "That's awesome." Just then, Alfred walked in.

"Hey losers."

"Hey Alfred, can I talk to you?" Kurt asked. He gestured to Alfred's bed, inviting him to sit down. When he did Kurt continued, "I'm gay. I know I should've tol--"

"What?!" Alfred cut him off. "You're gay?! So this whole time I've been rooming with a fairy?! I cannot freaking believe it." And just as quick as the steam had started billowing out his ears, he was gone, slamming the door behind him.

"Jerk." Blaine said simply as they sat in shock. Kurt blinked back tears. He knew he couldn't cry every time someone wouldn't accept him for who he was, he would never stop crying for goodness sake, but it didn't mean that it didn't hurt. I don't care what he thinks. His opinion doesn't matter. Kurt tried to console himself. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. It didn't help. He took one shaky breath after another. Once noticing he was upset, Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's shoulders. This definitely didn't help. This act of friendship only encouraged the tears that were rolling down Kurt's face. Within a few minutes though, Kurt had managed to get his emotions under control and wiped the last tear from his eyes. Blaine unwrapped his arms from around him.

"I don't care what he thinks." Kurt told Blaine, trying to believe it himself.

"This happened a lot at your old school, didn't it?" Asked Blaine. Kurt nodded, ashamed. "And I'm guessing that's why you transferred?" Another nod from Kurt. "And that's why you were so hesitant to join the Warblers." This earned no response. "Oh Kurt, I had no idea." Blaine rubbed Kurt's back in a successful attempt to make him feel better.

"It's okay though. I'm here now." Kurt gave him a half smile.

"It's not okay, but I'm willing to believe that you're okay."

"Thanks Blaine." Kurt glanced at the clock. "Shoot! It's 11:30! If we don't leave right now we'll be late."

"But isn't it a... party?"

"Yeah, right. They don't care when we get there. I knew that." Kurt laughed halfheartedly. He got up from the bed and made his way to the bathroom. He applied some concealer to the underneath of his eyes to give the illusion that he hadn't just finished crying. Both boys slipped on their shoes and walked to Kurt's car. Blaine opened the driver's door for Kurt and they got in and drove to the party.

*      *      *

They pulled up to Puck's house a half hour. The clock read 12:12. They both got out and walked to the front door. His house was rather big considering it was just him and his mom. They could hear the music from outside the door. Kurt pushed it open. Both boys' eardrums nearly exploded from the initial impact of the roaring music. They stepped inside.

The lights were dim and there was a large disco ball in the middle of the tall white ceiling. Dozens of people were buzzing around every where. Puck was DJ in the corner of the room. On the other side of the room was a wine and beer cooler. Waters sat next to the alcohol. "YOU WANT TO GRAB SOME BEERS BEFORE WE HEAD UPSTAIRS TO MY FRIENDS BLAINE?!" Kurt screamed over the music.

Unicorns and Rainbows- A Klaine FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now