Chapter 7:

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The next week was long and painful. All of his friends seemed to distance themselves from him. Even Blaine hadn't spoken to him in between classes. Sure, they all spoke during lunch, breakfast, and dinner but it just wasn't the same. They never mentioned the Warblers when he was there either.

It was finally the weekend. Kurt had gotten all of his homework done on Friday so he could have the rest of the weekend off. The day finally came to an end and he decided to hit the showers. The shower room was at the end of the hallways. Kurt still hadn't gotten used to showering (almost) in front of other people. Though, Kurt wasn't surprised when there was at least half a dozen people waiting for their turn to shower.

His turn finally came and he stripped off his dalton uniform and hopped in the shower, letting the steamy water lather his smooth skin. He began to sing.

"I don't know why I'm frightened
I know my way around here
The cardboard trees, the painted seas, the sound here
Yes, a world to rediscover
But I'm not in any hurry
And I need a moment
The whispered conversations
In overcrowded hallways
The atmosphere is thrilling here as always
Feel the early morning madness
Feel the magic in the making
Why, everything's as if we never said goodbye
I've spent so many mornings just trying to resist you
I'm trembling now, you can't know how I've missed you
Missed the fairytale adventure
In this ever-spinning playground
We were young together
I'm coming out of makeup
The light's already burning
Not long until the cameras will start turning
And the early morning madness
And the magic in the making
Yes, everything's as if we never said goodbye
I don't want to be alone
That's all in the past
This world's waited long enough
I've come home at last!
And this time will be bigger
And brighter than we knew it
So watch me fly, we all know I can do it
Could I stop my hands from shaking?
Has there ever been a moment
With so much to live for?
The whispered conversations
In overcrowded hallways
So much to say, not just today but always
We'll have early morning madness
We'll have magic in the making
Yes, everything's as if we never said goodbye
We taught the world new ways to dream"

Kurt finished his shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. When he exited, three boys were staring at him in awe. Blaine, Wes, and Trent. Kurt looked down to make sure the towel was properly wrapped around his waist. Sure enough, he was fine. "Uh... hello?"

"Kurt... that was... beautiful." Trent stammered.

"Kurt, you never told me you could sing like that!" Blaine grinned.

"Now you have to join the Warblers," Wes said. Kurt's face blushed hard.

"No I couldn't."

"Puh-lease! Kurt?" Trent begged.

"I... I'll think about it." Kurt urgently scooped up his change of clothes and his uniform and hurried out of the shower room. He'd just have to get changed in his room.

Once inside, he quickly slipped into a white T-shirt and blue sweatpants. As soon as he finished his phone started to ring. Mercedes.

"Hey boo!"

"Hey 'Cedes."

"Hi Kurt!!!"

"Rachel? Hi!"

"We haven't heard from you so we thought we'd call you." Mercedes said. "How's that preppy boy school? Have you made any friends?"

"Yeah. I've made a few. There's Blaine, Wes, Trent, Thad, Nick, Jeff, and a few others. But 'Cedes, Rach, they're trying to convince me to join the Warblers and I really want to, well I guess I do, but I don't know if I'm ready for that yet."

"What do you mean, Kurt?" Asked Rachel. "I thought you said the Glee club there was cool? Plus, who are you kidding? You're the Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. You're ready for anything."

Kurt smiled. "Thanks Rachel. But God, you're sappy." Kurt could practically see her grin through the phone.

"She's right though, boo." Mercedes agreed. "It's been a few months. I definitely think you're ready. And don't not do something because you're afraid of what others might think. Whatever happened to the loud and proud gay kid that was in Glee club?" This made Kurt laugh.

"You're right. Well, I have to go or I'll miss dinner. Love you guys!"

"Bye! We love you too and we miss you also we need to meet up!"

"Totes nah goats!" Kurt laughed.

Kurt hung up. The clock read 6:45. Shoot, he was about to be late to dinner. He stuck his phone in his pocket and hurried off to dinner—alone.

He sat at his regular seat next to Blaine.   They sat in silent. No one particularly interested in talking. Kurt was lost in thought. Their food arrived soon. Trent finally broke the silence. "So Kurt, have you decided if you want to audition yet?"

"I had no idea you could sing like that." Blaine stammered again as if he was still in awe.

"I thought about it and talked with some of my friends from my old school and I think... I think I'm going to audition." A small smile tugged at the side of his mouth, but his eyes were still framed with pain and worry. Everyone started to clap. People patted him on the back.

"Well I don't think you'll need to audition." Wes laughed with a grin. "I've already heard you sing. If you want to be in, you're in."

"Really?!" Kurt's eyes lit up.

"Absolutely! So...?"

"Yeah! Totally! When do I start?" Everyone laughed.


Thanks for reading!

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. Someone at my school attempted suicide yesterday. 😪 I didn't know her very well but it was still pretty scary.

What did you do for New Years? I would love to know in the comments. I didn't do much. We stayed home and ate a lot of food. My school had to go back on the 2nd of January. Every other school goes back much later so it's pretty unfair.

Have a great day!

Unicorns and Rainbows- A Klaine FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now