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before starting my crazy ass story, here are a few things you need to know:

first of all, all of this story is completely real. I won't leave out any details, and im not making this up. I say this because this can seem like the most basic high school I WANT HIM HE WANTS HER type of story but i swear, this is all true 

Im a 15 year old girl, and the boy in mind is currently 16. i am changing all the names in the story. as a new character is introduced, ill explain who they are.

my changed name will be Marie. im a sophomore. american. falls way too hard. loves giving advice but sucks at taking it. really really fucking emotional and loves drama. always gets in trouble for running my mouth. used to be a really loud, happy, giggly, and energetic girl, but after this situation i'm a bit more reserved.

THE boy's changed name will be JC. he's hispanic. really FUCKING hot. basically my height. gets angry very fast as he has anger issues. really good at playing soccer. really popular with the ladies and he vapes. always finds the negative parts in situations and when he loves someone a lot he doesn't show it very well. he is the most selfless person u will ever meet and only tells his feelings to a select few he really trusts and loves.

bad 4 me ~HIGH SCHOOL TEA TIME~Where stories live. Discover now