does this count as cheating?

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we had already established that me and JC weren't together. it was wrong because he was 'with' Claire. His idea of friends with  benefits was that he was free to do stuff with other girls too, but Claire never allowed him to so he couldn't. On Monday of Thanksgiving Break, he went to a school basketball game with Claire. While he was there, he slipped away for a few minutes and kissed Claire. 

This obviously pissed me off.

1, because he had been leading me on and flirting with me. 

2. I was almost over him but this made my emotions all come back

3. He didn't tell me he did anything until after one our friends told me.

4. I was pissed because he didn't let me do anything with Diego but he could do stuff with Claire

it basically just feels like a slap in my face. he started getting mad for me being mad because "i should've expected them to do stuff". which was right but i couldn't help the way i felt. and CLAIRE of all people, too! A HOE! 

But then he noticed i was sad and not as angry and he called me really sad and said he was sorry and he loves me and he wouldn't have done it if he knew how sad i would get about it. I dont know if he was saying this to make me feel better or if he actually means it (and that goes for everything else he says too), but it was the right thing to do. 

The next day, I went to go hang out with him, Morgan, and Cierra to go watch the Grinch. He came late and at first it was super awkward. I still was kind of pissed at him, but halfway through the movie I realized it was dumb and if i wanted him then i had to show it by being flirty and nice, because if i was moody he would just ignore me. The rest of the day was super fun and we had a good time and we were back to normal best friends. 

Then, that Thursday we hung out with another one of my good friends. it was me, morgan, JC, and a girl named Lily. Lily is super fun to be around and JC sat in between her and me. In the beginning of the movie all 3 of us  just cuddled and talked and did stupid immature teenager shit. it was hella fun tho. Morgan just sat in the corner and watched the movie because she is unsocial hahah


Lily was laying her head on his lap and he had his arm around me and i was leaning in but basically he started tickling Lily and she went psycho moving around right on JC's dick and this gave him a semi boner because obviously like she was accidentally moving it. 

Lily immediately backed off but stupid me, i was like THIS IS MY TERRITORY 😋😋🤪🤪

So I leaned over, cuddling him, and I put my hand on his leg. slowly my hand went up and up and up and then over until i was touching his dick over his pants. He moved his dick closer to me and i was feeling it and stuff and Lily and Morgan didn't even notice. he eventually pulled his shirt over his pants and i kept touching it until the movie ended. He didn't tell Claire this for obvious reasons.

The next day, he went to the movies with Claire and a few other friends. They kissed and the whole movie his hand was on her thigh. I called him on FaceTime angrily because i was genuinely jealous of his hand on her thigh. he was laughing at me and was like "ok, ok ill do it to u more often!" but i didn't think anything of it. 

Nothing else happened until school started the next week.

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