backstory 2

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Our first kiss was the last week of school. At first we kept it a secret since diego and nate still liked me at the time. We hung out one last time before he went to Colombia FOR THREE MONTHS, THE WHOLE SUMMER!!!!! we made out like 3 times and then he was gone.

I was so devastated not being able to see him, but he sent me cute little paragraphs and was so sweet and gentle with me. He kept my emotions in check and made me happy. We had so many happy little moments. When we look back at this time, he calls himself gay. But I loved this time. 

around the middle of the summer, we started having horny conversations regularly hahahahahaha. We were both growing up. I was almost 15 and he was almost 16. we were going slow and steady, but doing good. I would get crazy jealous when he hung out with his colombian friends, and through this, i put him through so much fucking stress and i became a burden for him.

I started to love him way more than he loved me, and knowing that broke me for the first time.

I became insecure and sad and cried almost every day. he stopped putting effort into our relationship and stopped making me feel special. Summer was tough.

The next time i saw him was on his 16th birthday. By this time, we were happy again and i missed him so fucking much. On his birthday, a lot of fun stuff happened. when i saw him, everything felt good again. We went to cierra's house and made out a bunch of times and watched a movie and he grabbed my ass and i felt his abs. this was like revolutionary for me but oh honey just wait hahaa. cierra made out with her boyfriend too. morgan was third wheeling hardcore. the day after this was school. about a month into school, i was basically begging JC to date me. he was getting attention from girls in a way he never had been getting before. He was friends with everyone and he became super popular. 

He didn't want to date me and warned me of this, but i ignore it and just dated him anyways. I regret this decision to this day. A month later is when it gets spicy.

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