backstory 1

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JC moved from Colombia for Freshmen year. he was already 15 when the year started. He hated it so much and only had a few friends because he hated his new country and everyone who lived in it. He would sit alone at lunch and watch youtube. 

when he joined the soccer team, he began to make some friends. my friends were also on the soccer team and they quickly became friends w/ JC. This was in like december. I didn't know who he was until february but he became pretty good friends with my friends listed below:

diego- i used to date him in 8th grade but we barely talked so we don't count it. us together are so much trouble and he's also really hot and HE IS A BIG ROLE OF THIS STORY LATER. he's so funny and makes everyone laugh. also spanish and also has anger issues. plays soccer

nick- VERY BIPOLAR. really weird that its funny. god at playing video games. doesn't play sports or anything. met JC in one of his classes and started talking in there. 

tanner- I've known tanner since like 1st grade or something. really funny and loves love but is bad at showing his emotions. he can get bipolar. not very truth worthy but he's so easy to talk to. also spanish but he speaks it badly apparently so idk hahaha

this all started when i started sitting with tanner in biology. before this, we had hated each other just from exchanging of snarky comment in P.E.(hahahaha good times). We would talk in biology and walk to the next class which I had with him and diego, although i didn't sit with him. 

one day, diego unblocked me on snapchat for the first time since we "broke up" from our "relationship" in 8th grade. i was confused but i added him back because i hate grudges and he was low-key cute. 

He sends me a streak and i sent one back and then the next day, we started talking. Earlier that day, I had heard about tanner trash talking me in math class (TO MY BEST FRIEND CIERRA AND MY TWIN FUCKIN SISTER MORGAN!!!!!) about something i had said a long time ago to him. 

I got mad about it, and word got around that I was mad. Then Diego texted me something like this:

d: What happened with tanner?

m: he keeps trash talking me in class to my best friend and sister and expects me not to hear. I thought we were friends! I'm so done with him


d: tell him that rn 

I was obviously confused, so i texted him and asked him about it in the snarkiest sassiest way, because i was sooooo pissed. He texted me saying he was sorry and all that shit, and we made up. then he jokingly said something like " i won't ever trash talk about u ever again, ur my marierie" and i joked around saying "Of course you wouldn't, t-t". we basically made nicknames for each other and were joking around. fast forward to a few weeks later and im best friends with that whole group again since 8th grade when we fell apart. Also tanner began to like me. EW. i friend zoned him, needless to say.

Then JC comes in. 

It was Tanner's birthday dinner, and he wanted to all go to a dinner at some asian place. +He didn't invite me but he said he would do something with us after that. at like 7 o'clock, me, cierra, and morgan  all go to the movies with everyone else who went to his dinner. A brazilian named Lorenzo, Diego, Nick, Tanner, and, of course, JC.  

Sometimes i get this feeling with certain people. I can only describe it as some sort of warm and cozy feel and it tells me im going to become friends with this person. this was the first time i ever felt this way about anyone. 

When it was time to sit down for the movie, i was in a tight situation. Cierra and Morgan sat on the edge against the wall so that that they didn't have to sit next to the boys (WE WERE BOY-PHOBIC AT THIS POINT, OH HOW LIFE CHANGES). I didn't want to sit next to diego because we still had a rocky relationship from the awkwardness of 8th grade. i had two options- sitting next to JC or sitting next to Tanner. I didn't want tanner to make a move on me so i chose to sit next to JC on the end. I wanted to talk with all my friends tho so I would lean across JC to talk to the rest of them. Then the lady next to me yelled at me for trying to talk during the movie and me and JC laughed about it.

It was really awkward and JC didn't really like us because we were boyphobic and basically ignored the guys the rest of the time. 

Eventually, nick started liking me. I played with his feelings like a literal whore and i feel so bad about it now. Then i started liking diego while nick still liked me. me and diego agreed to not tell anyone and only have a small secret thing. Then he leaves for Australia for a tournament in skiing and LEGIT IGNORES ME THE WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK. NO TEXTS! During this time, i realized i didn't really like diego, i only liked the attention. 

Skip forward to May 5- Cierra's Quince

Me and JC hugged for the first time and it was such a nice hug HE ALSO SMELLS SO FUCKING GOOD IT BLESSES UR NOSTRILS FR FR

ik its cringe but yeah it was like our first because i was still boyphobic. After may 5 i realized that i liked JC. This is really confusing and i was hurting the boys so badly but i didn't see it because i was dumb and blind as fuck.  after this, me tanner and jc would hang out in my neighborhood and me and him would slowly get closer SUPER SLOWLY, as he was getting over a breakup too and didn't want to rush anything.


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