Chapter II

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Lance's POV

I was sitting on my bed, thinking about how I have been feeling really depressed lately. So, whenever I feel depressed I read all 630 little pieces of paper with motivational quotes. They were written on this cute, lined, pastel purple sheet of paper, about the size of a post-it note. They also had the date when they were written. It's fun to think how long ago I received each one. "Whoever was writing these must have a crap ton of this paper..."I awkwardly mumble to myself while reading the little notes. I have a few favorites, when I was feeling super depressed I would read those first then all the others. Though this may sound really stupid they actually made me think positively about life and made me think there was a purpose to living. I find it crazy to think that just a small piece of paper with a few words placed in a meticulous order can make me rethink why I am depressed in the first place.
"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. 11/3/16"
"Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear. 1/14/17"
"Believe you can and you are halfway there 5/21/15"
I can spend hours reading these. It takes me about 4 hours to read each one through, and I think about each one and what happened on that day. Sometimes these even are exactly what I need that day.
Once I was having a really miserable day. I almost ended it there, but I read that day's quote, and it made me think about how I have a life to live, and throwing it away because of one or two horrible days would be foolish.
"You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned or ashamed or unworthy. You were created to be victorious. 3/1/18"
Suddenly, as I was thinking I get a text from Hunk

"Hey, buddy... I am bored and heading out to get In N' Out, do you want me to get you anything?"
"Can you just get me a vanilla milkshake?"
"Yeah I got you B)"

After about 15 minutes, Hunk arrives with food and hands me my milkshake. I let him in. We spent about a half hour talking about random things, and Hunk needed the advice to ask his crush out for the dance in April.
"Yes, Hunk?"
I take a sip from my milkshake.
"I need help with..."
"With what?"
"Shay. I want to ask her to the dance in April."
"Hunk, It's November," I say laughing a little
"So! She deserves the best dance-posal ever!" Hunk says defensively with a red tint to his cheeks. He takes a drink from his Neapolitan milkshake.
"Heh. Okay, Hunk." I say laughing a little again.
_Time Pass_
Hunk and I planned his 'Dance-Posal' until midnight then he left and I went to bed. I am excited about Hunk he finally will do something he's been wanting to do for ages.

No one's POV
The squad was in the Janitor's Closet now. Hunk was talking about his plan to ask Shay to the dance. Sadly, Pidge could not join them since she had a before school activity that day.
"Isn't it in April..?" Keith asked
"That is exactly what I said!" Lance said with my voice raised a little higher than normal.
"I mean that's good, Hunk but, isn't it a little early to be planning this..?" Shiro asked.
"No!" Hunk stated adamantly
"Well, I think that's great, Hunk" Allura said.
"Don't get me wrong but I fully do think it's awesome that you are planning it this early so it won't be all crappy and rushed but you may spend all this time thinking about it and you may chicken out." Shiro said.
"Hey! I will not chicken!" Hunk said sounding a little hurt.
"Alright.," Shiro said.
"Can we change the subject?" Keith said suddenly.
"Uh, yeah sure." Lance said.
"Hey, did you guys remember that we have a school project coming up." Allura said.
"Oh my gosh! No! I totally forgot!" Hunk responded with a hint of panic in his voice.
"Same" Keith and Lance say at the same time.
They immediately look at each other.
"Heh." Lance says.
There was an awkward silence. Lance and Keith look at the ground
"Anyways." Shiro says to break the silence but fails because there is now
more awkward silence.
Suddenly the bell rings.
"Perfect timing!" Hunk says getting up
"Y-yeah," Lance says following Hunk
"Agreed." Shiro says following Lance
Keith and Allura do not say anything they just follow every out.

Another time skip
It was now third period. History. It was all the squads' least favorite class. The teacher was absolutely boring. She always spoke with a monotone voice. It came across as if she was a robot. Everyone in the school calls her 'Mrs. Robot' but her actual name was Mrs. Kopischke. She seemed as if she was around her late 40's. Even though she talked in a monotone voice, she had a very strong Ukranian accent. She always gave unreasonable amounts of homework. She even graded to a point which seemed to be too harsh for anyone in her class.
"Today, we will have a group projected assigned. It will be due in 3 weeks." Mrs. Kopischke said.
Everyone groaned at this,
"I will now pick partners." She said as she was walking to her notebook which was on the other side of the classroom.
"The first group is Shiro and Allura."
Shiro facepalmed while Allura smiled and silently cheered.
"The second group is Pidge and Nyma."
Pidge absolutely hated Nyma. Nyma absolutely hated Pidge. Pidge slouched down with a mad look on her face. Nyma was as cocky as could be and gave a smirk towards Pidge, Pidge knew this would be hell.
"Third group, is Hunk and Shay."
Hunk tried so hard not to react but he quickly did a cheer before Shay looked towards him. Shay was smiling and of course, so was Hunk.
The teacher went through almost all the names. There were four people left.
"Our 2nd to the last group is, Keith and Lance."
Keith covered his face with his hands while Lance was shooting finger guns towards him. Keith knew that they would just fight and not get any work done. Yet he seriously hopes that he will get a good grade since he is almost failing every class. Lance, on the other hand, was happy because Keith only fought with him, so he thought maybe this could be a chance for them to learn not to argue about everything.
"You will make a presentation of any place in the world except The United States. I want the whole presentation to include a handmade model of a famous landmark in that country. Anyways, you are all dismissed."

Keith's POV
I met up with Lance after class and we began to attempt to choose our country. He said Cuba but I wanted to do one on Egypt since I have always wanted to build a pyramid.
"Keith!" Can we do Cuba?" Lance asked
"No, I really want to do Egypt." I said trying not to sound mean.
"But Keith..! This is our project!" Lance whined
"Fine, we will do rock paper scissors." I said flatly.
We did rock paper scissors and I won!
"Awhhhh! You cheated." Lance said in a mad tone but he had a smile for some reason.
"I did not." I laughed a little
"Did too." He said
"Did not." I said.
"Did too." He said again.
"We don't have time for this, Lance!" I yelled a little bit annoyed
"Jeez. No need to yell, Mullet." He said sort of mockishly
"Sorry." I said quietly

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