Chapter IV

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*Lance's POV* 

Man, poor Pidge. It sucks that someone can be so mean to her. I've been her friend forever and I know that she's is really insecure about talking to people like Nyma, and Nyma doing what she did to Pidge that makes me livid.

_Time Skip_

*Keith's POV*

I'm at my locker when I see Lance coming up to me. He looks really sad about something

"Hey, Lance, What's up" 

"Nyma's a jerk." Lance says after taking a breath.

"How so?" I ask innocently

"She freaking slapped Pidge!" He says angrily

"Excuse me. She what?" I say getting mad.


"I can't believe this." I say mad. I slam my locker shut and start speed walking to Nyma's locker

Lance follows quickly

"Keith! Where are you going?"

"Nyma's Locker."

He gets in front of me.

"I know what you want to but, I don't think that is a good idea. " Lance says with his tone sounding calm

"Who cares?" I say trying to go around him. 

"No. Violence is not an answer." Lance says trying to stop me.

"Fine. But next time she s-" I say getting interrupted by Lance.

"No." He says firmly

I quiet down. 

"Okay." I say with a low tone.

"Anyway. It's ok, we have a project we need to work on." Lance says with his tone changing.

_Another time skip_

*Keith's POV* 

Lance and I walk to the nearest store. It's about a 15-minute walk. We mostly talk about how we are going to make the pyramid. He has some good ideas for once. 

We arrive at the store.

"Hey, Keith.." Lance says giving me a look

"What?" I say with a confused tone.

"I dare you to sit in the cart." Lance says with that same look on his face.

"I will not." I say adamantly.

"Yes. You will." Lance says adamantly also.



"Fine." I say giving in.

Lance drives the cart normally until we get to an empty aisle then he runs as fast as he can and he hops on the little ledge underneath the cart.

"Lance! What the heck are you doing!" I yell.

"Having fun!" He says trying to gain speed.

"Lance!" I say scared.

"Keith!" He says as he starts to slow down but still going at a dangerous speed. 

"Lance freaking Mcclain! You are going to kill us both!" I yell at him.

"No, I won't, you can trust me!" He says slowing down to a normal speed because we see a store clerk.

"You boys will get kicked out if you continue that type of behavior." The store clerk says.

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