Chapter V

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 "Ya know, I haven't read the written part of our project yet.." Lance says as he picks up the folder.

I try to take it out of his hands but I'm one beat too late.

"Woah!" Lance says in surprise. He looks at me.

At this moment I realize that he knows. 


"Keith!" He says with a suprised tone.

"This is really amazing!" He says.

"Oh, Thanks." I say taking a sigh of relief.

"You alright there, Buddy?" He asks.

"Yeah! Just Peachy!" I say hoping that was convincing


I thought he saw the similarity in the handwriting and I thought my cover was blown.  He decided to proofread my work. I let him because he was going to anyway no matter what I said. 

"Keith. This is really good. Where did you find time to do this? This is alot of research." He says looking at me. 

"U-um. I worked on it after school..everyday." I managed to mumble. I had this weird feeling flowing through me. 

"Keith. You did not have to do this much work for this project. " Lance says sinceriely. 

"Yeah. Now that I think about it, it might be too much.. " 

"A little?" Keith its quiznaking 10 pages." 

"But you know how strict Mrs. Kopischke is. If it was short, we would get an F." 


He gets up and hands me the folder. He looks at me. We make eye contact. I feel my cheeks get warmer than usual. What is this?  Lance's cheeks are also a little pink.  For some reason our faces are getting closer. What is going on? Suddenly our lips touch. I pull away 

"W-what the.." I say. 

Our faces are still pretty close. Lance has a shocked look on his face. I also do. 

"Um..." Lance backs up.

We at this moment are still staring at each other. 

I. kissed. Lance. Mcclain. 

*Lance POV* 

"I-i'm s-sorry." I say.

"Y-your fine" Keith says

I lower my eyes and look at the ground. I bury my face in my hands. 

"Why did I do that?" I say thinking out loud.

"Wait, did I say that out loud?" I say looking at Keith

"Y-yeah, y-you did." Keith said with a stutter. He also had a slight smirk. 

"It's alright, Lance. Don't worry about it." Keith said with his smile getting bigger.

"Okay, er, um.." I say quietly. I smile and look at the ground.

"The ground is nice." I say outloud.

Keith starts cracking up

"Oh really now?" He says

Keith's laugh is the cutest. Wait what? Why am I thinking like this. I begin also to laugh.


"You are something different, Mcclain." Keith smirks. His eyes glitter a little as if for once in his life he's finally content, it's kinda pretty- or uh, nevermind.

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