Chapter VIII

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School went unusually easy. There was not much that happened. Even the hardest teachers went easy, well, as easy as a hard teacher can be. 

Keith realized he's been slacking on his daily notes to Lance and he realized this during their Lunch period when Lance started talking about it. For Keith, it took everything to say "I'm sorry," But he kept quiet. He had no other choice, he did not want to blow his cover especially in front of Lance.  

Everything about today was very interestingly joyful and calm. The only thing is what did not go okay was the fact that one of the stupid vending machines didn't work, which was a normal occurrence. 

After school, The Group decided to go to the park, the same park which Lance and Keith have hung out before. When they get there they all decide to sit in the grass. They do this quite often, and they just do homework and screw around until the sun goes down, then they all go home. 

Yet this time, there was an interesting tension between Lance and Keith. They did not talk to each other but would exchange glances with each other. Everyone was mostly oblivious to the obvious tension except Keith and Lance themselves.

Later, everyone went home when the sun started going down and the only people there was Lance and Keith. ( AN: Bigg Sister Surprise )

"So, uh, do you still w-wanna study pr uh, no?" Lance stuttered out awkwardly.

Keith responded with a smile and nodded his head yes.

"Okay." Lance says going into Bi Panic.

The two boys studied and did homework until Keith realized he forgot one of his books.

Keith looks towards Lance, "Hey, Lance?"

"Yes, Mullet?" Lance responds.

"I kind of forgot my book, could I borrow yours?"

Lance signals Keith to come closer and use his book.


They sat close together happily doing the tiny bit of homework they had left.

"Whew, We finished" Lance says.


Keith pulled out one of his folders and to his luck, a few of the secret notes came out too.

"What are these?" Lance questions as he grabs one

"They're nothing" Keith says as he shoves them into his backpack but unfortunately he didn't see the one Lance grabbed.

"Keith." Lance looks up at him.


"This was you."

Keith went quiet.

"For the past 3 years, you wrote these cute little quotes and put in my locker."

Keith nodded in agreement.

Lance hugged Keith tightly

"Thank you, Keith. You have saved me from multiple attempts. You've given me a reason to live on to the next day."

"No problem, Lance." Keith smiles as he wraps his arms tightly around Lance.

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