Chapter VI

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*No one's POV*

The crew was hanging out in their usual janitor's closet. Shiro sadly could not join them since he had to be somewhere else.

"Sooo.. Keith.." Pidge says looking at Keith.

"Yes?" Keith says looking at Pidge.

"Why are you wearing Lance's jacket?"

Lance immediately looks at Pidge.

"He got cold so I let him wear it." Lance says covering for Keith.

"Lance it is litteraly 80 degrees in each classroom." Pidge counters.

"So?" Lance says.

"I don't by it." Pidge says.

"That's ok." Keith says.

"Let's change the subject." Lance says after a small moment of silence.

"To what?" Hunk asks.

"You and Shay.. How are things going with you and her?" Allura says cutting off what Lance was going to say. Lance was going to say to that. So it did not bother him.

Hunk turns as red as a cherry.

"Uh. Well. Erm. Things are going. Well. Yeah. They are going well." Hunk says with a highly nervous tone. His voice was higher pitched than normal.

"You should invite her to our group. So we can get to know her." Pidge says as she fixes her glasses

"I guess that w-won't be the end of the w-world." Hunk says stuttering.

___Time Skipity___

*Lance's POV*

I noticed that today I did not get a note from the mystery note giver. This is the first day I have not gotten one. Whoever it is I hope that they are okay.

*Keith's POV*

Oh no. I forgot to give Lance a note today. I hope he has not noticed, I need to give him one, I cannot forget.

_Time Skipity_

*Keith's POV*

I wrote him the note and I successfully put it in his locker. I hope he doesn't realize it's me. As I walk away, I see him head up to his locker and he's flirting with some girl. This girl had bright red hair with orange and yellow highlights. I don't know why but I have this weird jealous feeling in the pit of my stomach. I hate it. I've heard you only get jealous when you like someone, I know I do not like Lance, he is my frenemy. We fight about any thing and everything. I cannot possibly have a crush on him.

As I am walking away, I see Lance calling out to me, that girl is no where in sight.

"Keith!!" He calls out.

I walk over to him.

"Yes?" I ask

"Our project is due tommarow. Luckily, we finished it last night, so, want to hang out tonight? " Lance asks.

"I mean why not." I say moving a piece of hair out of my face.

"Okay, see you tonight." Lance says grabbing his backpack and closing his locker and flashing me a smile.

I begin to walk away and then I see Pidge. I roll my eyes

"Ooh! Spill the tea." Pidge says adjusting her glasses.

"I don't have tea and why would I spill tea, tea costs alot these days." I say.

"No, Keith, You know what tea i'm talking about, now spill. What did Lance ask you? You and him were smiling like a couple of lovesick baboons." Pidge says adamantly.

"We w-were not." I say feeling a rush of blood head to my cheeks.

Pidge looks at her nails and then adjusts her glasses.

"Keith, what did he ask you?"

"He just asked me to hang out since we finished our project and I said why not." I say.

"Oooh yes!" Pidge says jumping in the air

"What are you doing?" I ask her as I give her a look.

"Celebrating, my favorite ship is now a thing!" Pidge says as she stops jumping.

"What do you mean?" I ask very confused.

"Klance. is. a. thing." Pidge says as she walks away. I lean against the lockers beside me.

"Klance?" I think.

"Thats my name and his name how is that bad? - oh." I think then realize what Pidge meant.

"But he just asked me to hang out. How does that mean anything?" I think as I pick up my backpack and leave school.

_Time Skip_

*Lance's POV*

I walk up to the door and open it, I see Keith.

"Hey!" Keith says with a smile.

"Hey." I say with the same smile.

I invite him in and we walk up to my room since that's where we have been hanging out before. I noticed that he still has my jacket on, which I think I find adorable. Wait, no, I can't think like that. He's a friend, nothing else.

"So uh.." Keith says looking around.

"Hm?" I look at him. I feel myself blush for absolutely no reason. He is so adorable. Skrew it I have a crush on Keith. So what.

(A/N Lemme make this clear. Keith is sitting on the bed and Lance is on the floor looking up at Keith)

"So what are we going to do?" Keith asked as he looked at me.

I get up and go straight to him kissing him on the lips. This causes him to fall backward on my bed.

"L-Lance!" Keith says trying to yell but fails.

Our kiss starts off fast but then eases in slow and passionate. I can't believe I did this. I break away and look down at him. His face is as red as a red solo cup. I smile at him and brush away a piece of hair off his face.

"L-lance, what w-was that f-for?" Keith asks trying not to make eye contact with me.

"I'm sorry, it's just-" I get interrupted by Keith pulling a bit of my shirt down towards him causing me to kiss him again.

*Keith's POV*

I hate this. I have to admit i have a crush on him. He's the dorky idiot that I have a crush on.

I wrap my finger into his shirt to keep him close. He runs his fingers through my hair. I feel electricity flowing through me at every touch. We stop for a moment and look into each others eyes. His hands are on either side of my head. I smile at him. I rarely smile at anything.

-Time Skip-

*Keith's POV*

After our long make out session, we decided to watch a movie. Lance and I are cuddling under his blanket with our legs intertwinned. I am borrowing some of his clothes. His clothes are way more soft than mine.

Growing up as a child I never had parents who gave two fricks about me, I never had any friends because I apparently wasn't cool enough. Lance and my friends at school have shown me that there are people who care and there are people willing  to hang around a freak like me. Lance has showed me that relationships don't have to be perfect because we used to argue about stupid things and I cherish every moment I have with him because just like all the others they will abandon me, just like my parents.

I put my head into the crook of Lance's neck and wrap my arm and leg around him like a hug and I fall asleep.


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