Will's Resolution

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~Warnings and Explanation~

~Bad spelling and Grammar~

~I think there are spoilers in this, but I have been spoiled so long ago I can't actually tell anymore. So, caution.~

~This was also written for a challenge, making a TID character have a resolution.~

"Will, you can't just have your New Years resolution as 'attack Gabriel as much as I can.' that's really not how this works." Cecily said scolding Will. "And why not? If I have to have one I might as well make one I can achieve." Will argued back at his sister. The whole institute had decided to make New Year's resolutions. Will didn't actually get to be involved in this decision but Jem had told everyone that Will would be making one on his behalf which he wasn't that happy about but, it's Jem so he won't say anything. "Resolutions are supposed to make you a better person, Will. Attacking Gabriel does not make you a better person."

"I don't agree, dear sister. If I attack him I can get free training and become a better Shadowhunter from it."

Cecily groaned. "Will, I said better person not better Shadowhunter." Will threw his arms out in frustration. "Isn't that the same thing? I don't see how it's different."

"Why must you be so difficult? Maybe I'll just make Tessa or Jem make your resolution and force you to go through with it since you clearly don't know what it means to make one." Cecily said turning to leave the room. "That's unfair Cecy I did make one."

"You made what?" Tessa asked walking into the library where Cecily and Will had been arguing. "A New Years resolution but, Cecy is telling me it doesn't count." Tessa instantly regretted coming into the library to find a new book to read. How was it that she walked into a sibling debate she didn't know. "Well, what exactly is your resolution Will?"

"To attack Gabriel more," Cecily said while glaring at her brother. "That's not a resolution!" Tessa said dumbfounded. How was it that she truly underestimated Will in this situation? "See! Even Tessa agrees with me." Cecily said while smirking at her brother. Will threw his arms up in the air, "Well, what do you want from me?" Tessa sighed while walking over to a bookshelf to pick one out and get out of this argument. "How about a positive resolution? So, instead of attacking Gabriel you could, I don't know, get along with him?" Will snapped his head towards Tessa. "I thought these were supposed to be realistic!"

"Then instead of getting along with him why don't you just train with him?" Cecily suggested. "No," Will said. "I just won't have a resolution." He said walking towards the door. "You do realize if you say training you won't get in trouble and you and Gabriel can just break each other's necks and claim it's training?" Tessa said grabbing three random books and heading towards the door. "That's a brilliant idea. I'll go with that." Will said starting to walk out of the library. "Tessa! You were supposed to stop him from killing Gabriel! Not phrase it in a way he can get away with it!" Cecily pouted. "He's your brother and Gabriel is your fiance, it's not my problem. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go to bed. All of this yelling has made me feel sick."

After her brother and Tessa left the library, Cecily went to find Jem in hopes that maybe he would actually help her since Tessa hadn't helped the situation at all. She was determined to make her brother have a decent New Year resolution. She got to Jem's bedroom door and awkwardly knocked on it. "Come in," She heard from inside. She walked inside to see Jem sitting on his bed tuning his Violin. "Oh, Cecily. I wasn't expecting you." He said putting down the violin. "Can I help you with something?" She nodded, not leaving the doorway. "It's about Will-"

"Oh no, what did he do this time? Throw a knife a duck in the park? Throw Gabriel out a window? Break the chandelier? Or did he write all over another book from the library? You know, I think it would be better if you just sat down and told me." Jem said giving up on guessing all the ridiculous things Will could've done. Cecily stepped inside and closed the door. "No, it was none of those things. Though, I would rather like to know how he broke the chandelier."

"I can tell you about that another time. What is he did?"

"Well, it's more what he's planning on doing not what he has done. He says his resolution is to be a pest to Gabriel as much as possible."

Jem sighed, "It's Will, there's much you can do about that."

"So, you're not going to help me convince him otherwise?" She sighed defeated. "Convince Will? I don't think that's even possible. You'd have to beat him over the head with a stick to get him to do anything reasonable to Gabriel. Even then he'd still rather kiss a duck than being nice to Gabriel."

"I wouldn't go that far," Will said from the doorway, making Cecily jump because she hadn't noticed he'd come in the room. "Do you not have common courtesy? Seriously! Knock next time instead of giving me a heart attack." Cecily complained. "This is Jem's room, not yours. So no. I can't knock." Will stated and walked into the room.

Jem shook his head at the two arguing. "In all seriousness, Will, you really can't just beat up Gabriel and call it a New Year resolution. It's supposed to be a change and fighting with Gabriel isn't changing anything." Will collapsed in the chair that was sitting next to Jem's bed. "We're still going on about all this? Why is it so important? I never agreed to this anyways."

"Well you agree on my behalf all the time so, now it's my turn. You're gonna have a good resolution."

Will sighed and agreed to do what Jem said because it was true that he does decide things for Jem a little while he's sick.

"Thank you! Tessa didn't actually help me at all." Cecily said ruining the moment. "I don't think Tessa is really in the helping mood at this moment in time. She hasn't been feeling too well." Jem replied to her. "Why is everyone so obsessed with my resolution? This isn't fair. Why can't you be obsessed with someone else's?" Will groaned not really wanting to deal with all the New Year business. "Don't worry Will, I saw Gideon lecturing Gabriel earlier," Jem said. "Also, just so you know, you're going to have to be nicer to your sister this upcoming year." Cecily turned around to look back at Jem and Will as she was leaving the room to see Will smile. "That, I can manage."

Cecily ran into Charlotte as she was walking back to her bedroom smiling. "Is Will's resolution going along well?" She asked seeing Cecily's smile. "Yes, I might actually get to see my brother from when we were kids next year," Cecily responded and left Charlotte standing confused behind her.

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